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[ GDs POV ]

4 years has passed. Taeyang will be out today.

I already forgive him. I understand why he did that.

He is my friend, my friend who i treasure the most.

"Ji Yong~ Come on! Join me! I cooked something for you!" Dara's voice is music to my ears.

I smile sweetly to her. "Are you coming with me?" I hug dara from behind.

"Iiih~ im ticklish you know that" oh hell, why is she always cute?

I put my chin to her shoulder. "Awww, our fried egg are deeply fried" she said and pout.

"its ok jagi~ as long its your effort" you kiss her cheeks which made her giggles.

"Really?~ By the way oppa, are we going to Taeyang today?" Dara ask and face me.

I smile to her. "I going without you. Maybe we can have some talk?" She nods and i help her to arrange our plates.


As i go out from the prison. I breathe so hard and exhale it. It feel so good.

From a far...there's a familiar figure standing beside a tree.

No it cant be Ji Yong. I already told him and my self. I dont want to be friends with him anymore.

I freakin' betrayed him. And its so hard to feel that I am his friend.... his one and only friend.

I want to walk away but my foot didnt move. Ji Yong start to walk towards me.

My eyes start to water. He just smile..... "Young bae-ah... you lose so much weight." He said with his manly voice.

I start to cry. "J-j-ji yong, i-i cant forgive my self" i said and he hug me.

"Bro, why your so gay? Look at your self being girly" why is he doing this?

"Ji yong-ah, why are you laughing? Why are you not angry to me? You should be mad about me betraying you!" I said to him and broke the hug.

"Because from the start, i dont feel any anger in my heart. Bro, i know why you did it." He tap my back.

"But dont expect me to forgive your father" he turn his back to me and start to walk away.

He stop from walking and look back. "Hurry up! Dara miss you so much" he smiles again.

I cant believe what im hearing right now. How can dara miss me? After i did all that things.

"Yah! Young Bae! Faster!" GD screams.

BAD BOY WITH A GOOD HEART ( DARAGON FANFICTION )Where stories live. Discover now