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Awkward........."Ahehe.......shall we eat?" I said and stuff the food inside my mouth.

I look at taeyang infront of me and ji yong besides me.

I stop chewing my food. "Why? Is there something wrong with me? Ehem" i drink the water.

Actually, we are eating for dinner right now. But, they are just staring at the thin air all the time!

I pinch ji yong besides me and motion him to eat.

"AAaahH-why?" He said whispering to me. Taeyang look at us and I smiled.

"Uhm-How are you taeyang?" I ask. "Im always fine. Im sorry dara" he said with a sad tone.

I smile to him."Why are you apologizing? Its ok! We're friends right?!" I said to him. Cheering him up.

I elbow Ji Yong's side and he glared at me. "T-that's right! Please be comfortable taeyang." GD is so handsome! Hehe.

"Uhm, Taeyang about your he alright--" ji yong cut me off.

"Worry about your self." He said being girly. I smile to him. "Why? Still angry to him?" I said and act cute.

"Im sorry taeyang." I feel horrible. I feel really sorry towards taeyang.

"He's fine. He's been talking to himself about alot of stuff." So does he mean he gone crazy?

"Ok?" I said and eat my food.

[ GD POV ]

Tomorrow, something big will happen.

"Ji yong, im going to pee." I just nod to her.

"Youngbae,help me tomorrow" i said to him.

"About what?" He said, looking at me confuse.

"Well,about dara. I'll marry her and you know that i like her right?" i smile to him and he chuckles.

"Who?" Dara said being jealous. I chuckled.

"Nothing." I said and youngbae and i tap each other and start to walk, leaving dara behind.

"You two!" She shouted. Haha

BAD BOY WITH A GOOD HEART ( DARAGON FANFICTION )Where stories live. Discover now