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Dara was so hyper. She has been running all the time they walk.

"Ji! C'mon! I want us to ride the carousel!" She said and jump like a kid.

Ji Yong just rolled his eyes and look at the cute litte Dara.

"We're not a kid anymore Dara, do you know what I mean right?" He said and let out a big sigh.

Dara just wiggle her head. "Hmmm? Hmm? Ji?~ Please?~ hummmmm?" Ji Yong groaned and scratch his head, being frustrated.

"Ok, fine, fine. We got it. Lets ride that bullshit" Dara jump happily. Every people at the Amusement park look at them.

Ji Yong cover his handsome face using his petite hands because of embarassment.

Dara quickly grab Ji Yong's wrist and walk towards the Carousel.

"Are you ready? Come here!" Dara said being so excited and ride the horse, she tap the free space at the back of her.

Ji Yong sighs and also ride the horse.

"Yipppie! Wohoooo!" Dara shouted happily. Ji Yong didnt remove his two hands on his face.

Some of the people at the amusement park are looking at them and taking a video of them.

"I wish I had a boyfriend like him, he is so sweet!" Two girls are gossiping together while pointing at Ji Yong.

Dara glared at them and the two immidiately stop capturing the video. GD just smirk. But thats smirk turn into a frown.

"Jiyong-ah, lets take a picture!" Dara said happily. Dara said and kiss GD on his cheeks then capture the picture. 

"Well, i'll put this on a frame Ji" she said and smile at him.

They took a picture together and they go for a walk....

GD didnt notice himself that he is smiling the whole time with Dara.

After an hour, they stop walking and go to grab a burger. But, they stop on their tracks and Dara angrily looked at a guy.

"Dara?!" "Dong Hae?!" They both shouted.

GD is confuse and immidiately look at the guy. "Hey dara, how have you been?" Dong Hae said and touch Dara's hand, but on Dong Hae surprise Dara slap his hands away.

And GD realize the situation and immidiately stand infront of Dara.

"May I ask? WHO ARE YOU?" Dong Hae said and GD just smirk.

"Dont be proud of yourself. I can kick you out in this amusement park without touching a scumbag like you" GD said and Dong Hae is on fury.

Dara press GDs hand but he doesnt care.

"W-what? Are you kidding me? I can buy you and your family!" On Dong Hae and Dara's surprise GD laugh so hard that his stomach cant handle it.

"Dong Hae stop! You----" GD cut dara off by putting his wrist on her neck.

"Thanks for the laughter kid. Are you really that rich? To be honest, we dont have a time to talk to you." GD said and call the staff of the amusement park.

"Oi,put this garbage away. Faster" Dara is shock about this event happening.

The staff grab Dong Hae forcely. "Dont touch me!" But he was kicked off the amusement park.

"What did you do?" Dara said in surprised face.

"You'll know soon babe" GD said and kiss her on the lips.

"Yah! How dare yo----" GD cut her off by kissing Dara so passionately. GDs arms went to Dara's back and Dara cling on GDs neck.

"G-gd, stop. People are looking at us" dara said and lower her face.

"We dont care, i mean. Do they own this place? We still have ALOT to talk about."GD said and smirk secretly.

"About what?" Dara said and take GDs hand and she clutch it.

"The kid who says that he can buy me and my family." He said and smiles. They go to a closed room.

"Uhm--" He cut her off again. "Shh, now tell me" he said and look at dara

GD get dara's hand and put it on his waist.

"Who's that guy in your life" He said and stare at Dara's pair of eyes. He bite his lips and slowly lean on Dara's face.

"Uhm, J-jiyong." she was cut off when gd kiss her nose.. 

"Who?" GD said and kiss dara's lips.

Dara kiss him back. They kiss passionately then dara cling at GDs neck.

"J-jiyong-ah" she moans and GD stop.

"Sorry. Uhm yeah" GD said and scratch his head.

"He is nothing." She said and hug GD.

"You are my world Ji Yong. You are the only one of my life.  I love you" she said and look into his eyes.

"I love you too" he said and get dara's hands. They start to walk away from the amusement park.

BAD BOY WITH A GOOD HEART ( DARAGON FANFICTION )Where stories live. Discover now