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GD is now walking towards the room while eating his favorite, ice cream. But unfortunately....... Dara bump him and his lovely ice cream fell on the floor. He slowly look at Dara's face, he is really angry.

" Do you know what will happen to you huh?! " he screams make everyone look at them and make Dara scared. " Uhm, im really sorry-- " GD cut her off.

" Do you think your sorry will bring back everything?! " he shouted at her which makes Dara cry. " *sniff* I-i w-will just buy you another ice cream *sniff* " well, Dara is a huge crying baby.

" Im so sorry miss, so stop crying " this GD dont want to see a girl crying so it is his weak point and no one know it. " Im really sorry *sniff* follow me, " GD follow her quietly. No one try to speak. " One Vanilla ice cream and?" Dara look at GD waiting for his answer.

" Ehem, Cookies and cream plus cheese " He said and look back at Dara. " Why? Do you want more? " Dara said as she notice GD was looking at her. " N-n-nothin' i-im just.... aish. " he said blushing for the 2nd time.

" Here, " Dara give GD his ice creams. They sat on the grass watching the Sun set. " Actually we didnt exchange name yet. " Dara said smiling to GD. " GD " he said looking at the beautiful view. " I am Dara Park " she said smiling.

Dara took GDs attention by smiling at him. They stare at each other for a moment. Dara's phone start to ring.

GD cough and Dara is shock and search for her phone in clumsy way. " Dad! " she said happily. GD looking at her again. Even GD dont know why, he just like to look at her.

" GD! My dad will come back home! " she said and jump happily like a child. He didnt notice he is smiling too.

[ GD's POV ]

I go home after Dara talk to me. I dont want her to go home. Tsk, why am i like this?

Our big gate opened and i walk towards our door. Again, it open and i start to walk towards my room but then, my dad speaks.

" Hey, Meet this girl. My friend daughter. Dont worry she is very pretty " my dad said. " I dont want to. I like someone dad " i said and slam my door.

He is always annoying. Im not his toy to play with. They always arrange me to a random girls that i dont even know. But, who the girl that i like? Is that Dara?

No way! I dont like someone. She is not beautiful.She is not ugly. Dammit.

[ DARA's POV ]

" Dad! I miss you! " i said and kiss his chicks. " Easy my pretty daughter " my dad said and hug me tightly.

I start to cry. " Hey, dont cry. Shh, im here. " i cryed to his shoulder. " You'll leave me again right? " i said sadly.

" Tsk, they doing their drama again " my mom said sarcastically. " Dara, meet this guy. " mom said and toss me the folder.

Another blind date again. " Dont say you wont come or else you'll be grounded for 1 month. " she is really cruel!

Actually, i dont speak to her anymore. " Dad, i hate mom! " i said. " Shhh, just understand baby ok? " he said and hug me again.


BAD BOY WITH A GOOD HEART ( DARAGON FANFICTION )Where stories live. Discover now