Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Rubbing my arms from the chilly night wind I followed Holden to a large red stone building that looked expensive.

"Do you live here?" I asked as he opened a side door for me

"I own it." he answered

Wow he owns this place! Holden pointed towards a elevator. I went in with him right behind me. The door closed as soft music played in the silent elevator.

"Okay where are we going?" I asked

Instead of answering me he looked up at the glowing red light that went past the ninth floor. Where are we going? There was a ding as the doors opened.

"Oh my god." I breathed out

On the roof was a large red blanket spread out on the floor with a small plate of chocolates and small twinkly lights hanging over it. Surrounding the blanket were small pots of different colorful flowers.

Holden took my hand in his and guided me out to the middle of the blanket.

"Do you like it?" he asked

"It's beautiful but why did you bring me here?" I said still gawking at the romantic scene

Romantic? Holden pushed me gently down onto the blanket.

"You tricked me into a date didn't you?" I asked as looked up at him

He didn't answer me as he sat beside me and pulled out a bottle of wine from behind a pot. The little sneak. He poured both of us a cup.

"I know your upset but I couldn't think of any other way to get you here." he said as he handed me a cup

It's true I wouldn't have come down here and it is beautiful. I gazed around quickly before taking the wine.

"Why would you do all of this? I mean what if I didn't come?"

"I knew you would." he replied simply

He rose the wine up to his mouth and took a small sip, I mimicked him than set the glass down. For all I know he drugged it.

"Do you remember when we were dating you said you always wanted to sleep under the stars?" he said as he leaned back on his arms

A small smile touched his lips as his eyes relived the memory. I remember telling Holden over the phone when we were younger the very next day he set these Christmas lights all around my room. They were beautiful, I smiled and laid flat on my back and stared up at the few twinkling stats.

He snuck into my room that night and slept under the stars with me. It was sweet really except when my mom came to wake me for school the next morning.

"I was grounded for two weeks because of you." I said as the memory of Holden's face when my dad came in flashed in my head

He turned to look at me "But you got what you wanted."

I did, didn't I? Turning to the side I locked gazes with Holden's light brown eyes. They were soft and filled with our history. Why couldn't he stay that same sweet guy?

"You ran with my father threatening to cut your manhood off." I laughed

He bent his head back and chuckled remembering perfectly. We didn't do anything except for kiss but still my dad freaked out!

"It was worth spending a night with you in my arms." he said with sincerity

My smile dropped, that night was one of the best of my life. It felt right and safe being in Holden's arms at the time. Noticing my sudden silence he leaned forward and grabbed a chocolate.

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