Chapter 23

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This chapter shakes things up so pay attention *hint hint*

Anyways enjoy this and tell me what's on your mind!


Chapter 23

Hunter's POV

'Go get her!' my wolf growled angrily

Ignoring the stupid mutt I slammed my fist into the nearest tree. It took all I had in me not to chase after Aubrey and apologize for being a dick but I knew this is for the best.

Aubrey shouldn't be associated with a monster like me. After my encounter with Alex I got to thinking about my life if I stayed in town. One of these days I'll lose control when she's around than what?

Throwing another punch to the tree trunk I saw a few pieces of bark fall off.

Once Aubrey sees how vicious I am she'll never want to see me again especially when she finds out I am also I killer. Or worse what if my wolf hurts her while he's on his rampage.

The thought alone made my blood go cold. I could never live with myself if I hurt her.

'You did moron.' my wolf said harshly

Aubrey's glassy hurtful eyes flashed through my mind. I struck the tree again hearing a cracking sound as the trunk wobbled.

God knows I hated hurting her but I know if I said I can't be around her she'd ask why and I don't want to explain my past. It is worse than the present.

'She'll be afraid of us.' my wolf said in a soft disappointed voice I have never heard him use

"Yes.' I confirmed sadly

Sinking to the ground I leaned my head against the trunk. I hurt Aubrey for two reasons to get her to hate me enough to never want to see me again and so every time I think of going back to her I'll remember the hatred on her face.

The venom in her tone 'Burn in hell Hunter Grey!'

A hallow smile spread across my face as I felt pride in her for staying strong in front of me. Although I heard her crying while she ran away I know it was difficult for her to keep her tears in front of me. That's my strong Aubrey.

'Our Aubrey.' my wolf corrected

Except she's not. I let my hands fall into my hands as I fought the unshakable need to find Aubrey and pull her into my arms. But she doesn't belong to me, if there is one thing I take serious it's the bond between mates.

I remember my father telling me about mates the first time I ever shifted. He said that now that my wolf and I are one we will find the only person in the world that will complete us both. The person that my wolf and I would die for.

At the time I thought it was a stupid thing, I mean I was a damn horny fourteen year old and love was the last thing on my mind. But as my life went on I felt lonely like there was a void in me, a hallow darkness.

Than Aubrey comes along with her kind heart, funny personality, beauty and makes me feel....

'Complete.' my wolf finished

The word fit but how can she be mine when Holden swears she is his. Holden. My wolf growled at the name. That bastard went up to Aubrey with the purpose of pissing me off and after he kissed her he nodded to me just to rub it in.

Aubrey did push him away but the cocky jerk kept pressing on which I don't blame on Aubrey despite what I told her before. But if they are mates why would she push him away?

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