Chapter 2

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A.N~ thanks for reading you guys! Means a lot<3

I found out how to make things bold.. Took long enough. Haha


|• Chapter 2 •| Amanda's POV

I woke up, still on the plane. My brother and my dad were sitting in back of my mum and I.

"Are we there yet??" I asked my mum acting like a little child on a road trip.

"The flight attendant told me we would be landing within two hours. That was an hour ago, so less than an hour." My mum answered. "Did you have a nice sleep? You slept for about 9 hours!"

"Yay! I'm so excited! and yes, i did sleep well. I know I'll need it considering the effects of jet lag." i exclaimed.

~ an hour later ~

"Please fasten your seat belts. We are about to land. Hope you enjoyed your flight! Thank you for flying with us! Enjoy your trip!" The flight attendant said in a forced happiness tone.

When we landed I was struck with how hot it was here in Melbourne. It was completely different weather back home. There are no words for my excitement.

I looked around and saw a person holding a sign with my dad's company on it. I assumed it was for us. The nice man said his name was Ethan. Ethan helped us load our bags into the van. Another car was behind the van. The car was for us to ride home in. We piled into the car. Ethan showed us around the town before dropping us off at our new home.

We arrived at our house. It was very quiet in the neighborhood compared to back home. I ran inside after saying goodbye and thank you to Ethan.

I ran into the house and i stopped in the middle of the doorway. I was in complete awe.

"Move squirt! Get out of the way! Let me see!" Adam yelled pushing me further into the house.

We raced upstairs to pick our bedrooms.

The first door on the left was the room Adam picked. It was already painted blue, his favorite color. He had his own bathroom, i was jealous.

I walked down the hall and i found the master bedroom. It was huge. The bathroom looked like the size of my old room!

Then across from the master bedroom was a bathroom. It was very modern and so gorgeous.

Next to the bathroom was my room. I was instantly in love. The room was painted red. I've always wanted a red room. I had a walk in closet and those really romantic french doors opening up to a balcony. I never wanted to leave.

"THANKS FOR HELPING WITH THE BAGS KIDS!" my dad yelled motioning to us that we needed to go grab our bags from the van. I ran downstairs excited to decorate my heaven of a room.

Ethan told my dad that the car was ours to keep as a gift from the company. I'm liking it here already!

After dragging my bags upstairs i put my clothes into my huge walk in closet.

I found a maroon school uniform in my bag. I guess this was the uniform to my new school. On the sweater it said Penola Catholic High School. It was a very cute uniform. There was a blue, red, and black plaid skirt, a white button up white shirt and a maroon sweater. There were also white cotton knee socks and black flags. I was actually looking forward to school for once!

I decided to go on my laptop to check if Hanna or Haley was online. They were both online so i Skyped them. I showed them around the house and they fell in love! They had to go study for midterms so they hung up and i went to get some food from the kitchen.

I was feeling healthy today so I grabbed a banana.

After i finished eating i went back upstairs to watch a movie. I decided to watch my favorite movie, Finding Nemo.

Just when my favorite scene started, the scene where Dory finds Squishy, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" I yelled walking towards the door. I opened the door and my only thought was,

"This day just got one hundred times better!"


Hope you guys liked it! The next chapter will be long because I'm doing three points of views. It will most likely be up either later tonight or tomorrow! Comment suggestions and vote!

Thank chicas<3

~ meh

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