Chapter 8~ my date with Luke

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I dont have any ideas for this chapter so sorry if its bad.



"You're the sweetest. I'll text you when i get home. Please go ice your face and tell your mum what happened. Be careful." I said in a caring voice. I kissed him goodbye and watched him get home safely. I walked inside and got ready for my dinner date with Luke.

|•Chapter 8•| My Date with Luke

Amanda's POV

I decided to changeinto some jeans just incase i got cold. Then i put on my Little Mermaid crop top sweatshirt. I reapplied my mascara and i went downstairs and waited for Luke. It was 5:20Pm, Luke would be here in 10min.

I went into the kitchen and got a bottle of water. I heard a knock at the door and opened it.

"Hey Luke! come on in!" i said motioning him to come inside.

We sat on the couch.

"Hey Amanda. You look great." he said. He sounded scared. he wasn't his usual happy self today.. I wonder what's wrong.

"Luke..? What's wrong?" I asked putting my arm on his shoulder for comfort.

"I just don't want anything to happen to me. Like what happened with Jai. I dont want anything to happen to you either.'' he explained. He was really scared.

"Awe Luke. nothing is going to happen to you. Or me. We can stay here instead of going out if it makes you feel better. Come on what do you want to do?" I suggested.

"Thanks Amanda you're the best!" he said giving me a hug. He gives the best hugs. "I can make you some dinner if you want? What would you like? i suggest pasta."

"Pasta sounds perfect! here, I'll help you. Do you want to make it from scratch?" I asked

"Thats the only way i know how." He said laughing and taking out the flour and putting some on my nose.

"Its on, Luke Brooks, its on." i said

I wasnt very good at revenge, to be honest...

"Oooh im so scared!" Luke said sarcastically.

"Hey!" i said as i was putting the pasta on the stove then playfully punching his arm. "Ok so we have 30min before this is done. What do you want to do?"

"Let's go talk." He said grabbing my hand and sitting me down on the couch.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Um.. Jai. Whats up with you two?"

"Nothing's up. Were just friends. Why do you ask?"

"No reason. He just came home extremely happy today, like ecstatic."

"Oh.. Well nothing happened..." I lied.

"Nothing happened? so i can do this?" he leaned in to kiss me when..



We were interrupted by the fire alarm.

"Oh no the pasta! We forgot about the pasta!" I said jumping up and putting the pasta in the sink and turning the stove off.

Luke turned off the fire alarms.

"The pasta isn't burnt or anything." Luke said getting some plates and tomato sauce.

"Oh ok thats good." I said taking my plate and sitting at the table.

Luke sat in the seat across from me.

"So, how is it?" he asked me.

"It's really good. i didnt know you could cook!" i said with the pasta hanging out of my mouth. im such a lady...

"Jai can cook even better...." he said in a jealous tone.

"Why do you keep comparing yourself to Jai!?" i exclaimed. i felt bad for him..

"because you love him. i want you to love me like you love him." he said seriously.

"What makes you think i love Jai more than you?" i asked.

"Because.. I can see it in your eyes. You love him. You will never love me, ever, at least as much as Jai. And if you want to be Jai's girlfriend i wont get in the middle of you guys." Luke explained.

"Luke... I.. i didn't know you felt that way... Im sorry." i said pulling him into my arms and kissing him on the cheek.

"Its ok, Amanda. I'm sorry. Its getting late.. I better go. thank you, Amanda."

He said getting up to leave.

"No thank you, Luke. I had fun today. Theres something i need to finish before you leave though." I said crashing my lips against his. His lips were so soft, just like Jai's.. Jai. Wait no I'm kissing LUKE not Jai! Oh no.

I broke the kiss and gave him a hug. He had a huge smile on his face. I cant believe i was thinking of Jai. I feel terrible.

"Ill walk you home, ok?" I said grabbing his hand and walking him next door.

He was silent the whole way...

"Goodnight, Luke."

"Bye, amanda." he said and closed the door. There was obviously something wrong.

I walked home and went on Twitter. I tweeted-

I need a hero :(

About 20 minutes later there was a knock at my balcony doors. It was 10:00pm, who could that be?

I opened the door and

Oh.. my..god..

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