Chapter 10~ Explanations

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I honestly have really bad writers block.. I have no ideas for this chapter. I haven't updated in a while so this will basically just be a filler, unless i find something to write about... Enjoy... :/


"Goodnight Amanda. i love you" Jai whispered in my ear kissing me on the cheek.

"Night, Jai. i love *yawn* you too" and with that i was fast asleep safe in Jai's arms...

|•Chapter 10•| explanations..

Jai's POV

 "Jai, do you take Amanda to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"i do"

"Amanda, do you take Jai to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I..uh..I..I do!"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the -"


"Holy shit! What the hell was that!?" i exclaimed sitting up and looking around. i saw Amanda on the ground rubbing her head. "Aw, babe you woke me up from the best dream ever!"

"Yeah, im fine! thanks for asking!" she yelled getting up and going to the bathroom.

i hope shes not mad...i mean i was just joking with her.

Amanda's POV

I walked back into the room with my hair and make up done, dressed, and teeth brushed. I was wearing... 

You could say I'm a teeny bit obsessed witht those rubber bracelets.. i have one that i wear everyday, no matter what. It says "Wrists are for bracelets." i havent self- harmed since i got to Austrailia and met the Brooks. Its been two weeks and they have already changed my life. i wonder if Jai has noticed my scars? ill wait until he asks. Speaking of Jai... where is he?

"Jai? Jai im sorry for getting mad at you! Where did you go?" i yelled looking for him in my room. i looked everywhere and i decided to see if he went downstairs. 

it was 9 a.m so my brother was at college and my parents were at work. We had the whole house to ourselves. 

 As soon as i walked down the stairs, a pair of hands were genetly placed over my eyes. 

"Guess who?" the 'mystery' person said.

"Jai i know its you, hopefully." i said turing around and kissing him on the cheek.

"sorry for earlier. i wanted to show you im sorry so i made breakfast." Jai said pointing to the plates that spelt out 'im sorry' in bacon, awee.

"YUMM. You did all of this in 20 min?' i asked shoveling the deliscious bacon and pancakes into my mouth.

'' yep. Anything for my princess!' he said kissing me on the forehead.

i streatched my arm across the table reaching for the orange juice, forgetting i wasnt wearing my long sleeves.

"Um.. Amanda?" Jai asked looking at my arms. Oh shit.

"what?" i said just going about my buisiness, acting like nothing was wrong.

Jai took my arms and turned them over. i saw the tears forrming in his eyes.

"why? why amanda? Why would you do this?" a tear started down his perfectly chiseled cheekbones. (thumbs up for adjectives woo!)

i wiped the tear away with my thumb and started to explain.

"Please Jai dont cry. Don't mke this harder than it already is. Im sorry i didnt tell you sooner, i just dont like talking about it. Trust me, nothing has happened since i moved here. i used to get bullied A LOT in my old school. it got way out of hand and i just couldnt take it anymore. Everytime i cut, its like an escape. each cut is like its own insult. i promise you Jai, i havent done anything since ive been here." i said trying not to cry thinking about my old school. Jai pulled me into a big hug. i felt safe with him.

"Shhh. It's ok, Amanda. nothing bad will happen, i promise you." Jai said rubbing my back. i couldnt help but crying.

"just promise me you wont do anything ever again?' he said pulling away from the hug.

"i promise. i love you Jai."

"i love you too, Amanda." Jai said giving me a kiss. Gosh i love this kid. 

"So, how are we going to tell the rest of the family? What about Luke?" i asked concerned.

"Well, our family is coming over here for dinner tonight so maybe we can tell them then. i dont know how Luke will react but i know he wont be happy. anyways, my mum just texted me asking where i was and wants me to go home. i want you to meet our friends Daniel and James later and i have something to tell you. I'll pick you up at 3 p.m. see you later, babe."

"ok sounds great. ill miss you. bye Jai." 


ok so first of all i live in America so if anyone from a different country is reading this im sorry because i know some of the terms are different. anyways, thanks for reading and dont forget to vote, comment, and share. oh and sorry for not updating in awhile, ive been really busy. hopefully the next chapter will be up, no later than monday.

thanks ily<3


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