Chapter 5 ~ dinner

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|• Chapter 5 •| Dinner


We met up with Luke. He was coming to get us. He saw that i was cold and offered his jacket.

"Thanks but no thanks Luke. I just gave Jai's jacket back to him."

Oh.. ok well the offer is still on the table." Luke said. He sounded a little sad. I felt bad.

We got to the boys house and Beau answered the door...

Amanda's POV

I knocked on the Brooks Family's door. Beau answered.

"Well helllooooo gorgeous!" Beau exclaimed. Was i seriously prettier in Australia??

"Hi. You must be Beau. Nice to meet you!" i said holding my hand out for him to shake.

He took my hand and kissed it. I should've seen it coming. Luke and Jai were laughing hysterically. I tried to signal them to help me but they were too busy laughing.

"Hey! Beau! Get your hands off my baby sister!" I was never happier to hear Adam's voice.

I was still standing in the doorway freezing my butt off.

Luke must've noticed i was cold because he ran inside up to his room and brought down a sweatshirt.

"Here, you looked cold. You know you can come inside right?" Luke said handing me his sweatshirt.

"Thanks Luke" i said putting it on inhaling his cologne. It smelled so good.

"Does it not fit over your head?" Luke asked.

"Oh no it fits fine. It just smells really good.." I replied. His hands were in his pockets and he was looking at the ground with a smile spreading ear to ear. Awe he looked so cute..

He took my hand and brought me into the kitchen where everyone else was waiting. The food smelled so good!

Gina had made chicken broccoli and ziti. Yumm. I had two servings of it because it was the best meal i've ever had.

After dinner the twins brought me up to there room. Since they shared a room i got to be with both. Which i loved. We basically just talked and laughed and then Jai asked if I wanted to play 20 questions.

"Sure. It'll give us a chance to get to know each other!" i said.

The questions weren't to serious. Just the little questions like

Whats you favorite color?

Middle name?

Etc etc...

Until Jai asked,

"Would you ever go out with someone you just met?"

"Well it depends who it is." I answered in a flirtatious way.

It was getting late and i was getting tired so i said goodbye to everyone. The rest of my family stayed a few minutes more.

Luke was in the bathroom so i said goodbye to Jai first.

"Goodbye Jai. I'll text you before I go to bed, ok? Oh and thank you for today. I had a lot of fun. I'll miss you!" I told him.

I kissed him on the cheek and have him a hug. I could tell he was sad i was leaving but he was happy too. I could tell just by his eyes.

Jai then went to clean up the kitchen when Luke came down.

"Luke im leaving!" i called to him.

"Awee is someone sleepy?" he said in a baby voice.

"Haha yes, yes i am. Thank you for today. I had a lot of fun. I'll text you before bed. Oh and here's your sweatshirt back."

"I had fun too. No, keep it. You still have to go home."

"Can you do me a favor?" i asked him.

"Sure, anything for you."

"Go easy on your brother. He told me the only reason he doesn't retaliate was because he doesn't want you to get mad at him."

"Ok i'll try, no promises though."

" Thank you Luke. I'll see you-" he stopped me mid sentence with his lips crashing into mine. I kissed back. It was like magic...

Oh no. Jai. What if he saw. He would be so mad. I broke the kiss and looked around. Jai was no where in sight. I wonder if he saw anything.

"I'm sorry Luke but i have to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

I ran home and texted Jai...



Llama - Luke and Amanda (its cheesy lol)


Jam- Jai and Amanda

If Beau has a thing for Amanda


Thanks ily<3

~ meh

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