Chapter 30

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^^^^^^^^^read it^^^^^^^^^

Amanda's POV

I've been in the hospital with Luke for about 3 hours because he got shot in the leg by, no other than, my psychotic, demon uncle. noah? I couldn't care less about him. He's technically the one that kidnapped me. He's somewhere in this death house too.

There is so much to take in... I'm scared.


"WHERE IS IT?" he screamed at me.

"WHERES WHAT? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Let's see if you know what I'm talking about now!" he screamed and shot noah.

"Eh it's okay I hated him anyways." Which was true but he did get shot and I kinda felt bad.

"Okay so what about your little friend." He smirked and pointed the gun at Luke's leg and shot him.

He screamed out in agony and I started tearing up.

"Luke! I'm so sorry!" I sobbed.

"It's okay amanda. it's not your fault.." He tried smiling through the pain.

"Will you just tell me what you're looking for and then if I know I'll help you??" I said through gritted teeth. Luke was still sobbing in the corner in pain.. This is all my fault.

"Your necklace. You know the broken heart necklace that you've had forever?" He asked a little more calmly.

"Um yeah? Why do you need it."

"She never told you?"

"Who didn't tell me what?" I said nervously.

"Your mother, about your twin sister." He smirked.

Before I could say anything else the police barged through the door. thank jaisus. The handcuffed my uncle and as he was being dragged out he screamed, "I'll find you amanda, you and your sister!"

The ambulance showed up a minute later and put luke and Noah into the ambulances and I got in with Luke as they cleaned me up a bit.

*end of flash back*

As beau was driving me home he kept asking me all these questions. I stared blankly out the window mumbling one word answers back to him.

"What happened!?" he asked.

"Kidnapped." I replied quietly.

"What happened to Luke?"

"Shot." I said.

"Who did it?"

"Uncle." I said and he placed his hand on my thigh and I flinched. I'm still a little shaken up.

"Sorry.. Were home. your parents went out with my mom for a while so you are going to stay here. with me" he said opening my door and placing his hand on the bottom of my back guiding me up the walkway but I told beau I just wanted to go home. I started going home until i spotted someone familiar.

"Kerrie!?" I exclaimed running over to her.

"Amanda?? Oh my god! Hi!" She screamed back giving me a hug.

"Oh my god come in! we're having a movie day!" she nodded and walked into my house where I was greeted by Adam. He have me the biggest hug. it was nice.

I went upstairs and took off my dress that I've been in for the past two days and put on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

We watched movies for about 8 hours oops until I got a text from James saying;

Luke is home! come over. btw we have cake gurl.

From James

To james

What kind ;)

From James


To james

Be over in a few. I'm bringing a +1

From James

Okay see you soon.

I didn't really wanna dress up or anything so I just left my sweats on. As Kerrie and I walked next door. Kerrie is going to flip when she finds out who's on the other side of that door.

I opened the door and introduced Kerrie.

"Hey guys this is my cousin," I said as Kerrie stepped out from behind me with a smirk on her face " Kerrie. "

The boys jaws dropped as soon as she stepped out. I know she's gorgeous and everything but wow.

"Hey boys!" she said as she walked up to jai and gave. Him. A. Fucking. Kiss.

I just stood there, frozen. I watched as her hand snaked up to his hair and tugged on it causing him to kiss back.

"A-a-are you guys dating?" I stuttered, fighting the tears threatening to pour out any second.

"Yep." She replied popping the p.

I walked towards her punching her straight in her pretty little face.

"YOU BITCH!" I screamed taking her by her hair and slammed her head into the floor.

"I SAW HIM FIRST!" she screamed back trying to throw punches at me but they were weak. They didn't phase me at all.

"IT DOESNT MATTER WHO SAW HIM FIRST!IT MATTERS WHO LOVES YOU MORE." I screamed before Daniel wrapped his arms around me pulling him off and jai pulled Kerrie up and away from me, blood pouring out of her nose. Luke sat on the couch in awe, beau and james just stood there like idiots with their jaws hanging down to the floor. Then daniel whispered in my ear "good job" which made me smile.

"Kerrie get out! Were over! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN! I NEVER WANTED TO IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Jai screamed at her while she walked out the house and sped of to god knows where, in her car.

"Amanda, j-just leave. P-please." He said wiping the tear that was sliding down his face.

I stood at the doorway and looked over my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I sniffled.

"JUST LEAVE!" jai screamed.

I ran all the way home and sat in my bathroom with the blade in my hand, tears streaming down my face.

You're stronger than this.

Don't do it.

It's a stupid boy!

Yeah but I love him.

I finally got up after minutes of arguing with myself and ran into my room and cried for what seemed to be hours.


GUYS IM MAKING A SEQUEL WOOO! But the next chapter is gunna be the last one :( thank you so much for your support with this book. EVEN THOUGH MOST OF YOU DIDNT VOTE OR COMMENT!! HINT HINT!!

Ps one of you can be my twin :P please just comment and vote!!

Thanks ily<3

~ Amanda

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