Weird Fan Fictions On Wattpad

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I know there are 40298476592865 plots a fan fiction can have- but everyone can admit that some are weirder than others. Just like Youtube, you can stumble upon the weird and dark side of Wattpad too- and once you're there, life is never the same. 

Here are the four commonly weird fan fictions on Wattpad. 

ONE: THE OFF-KEY FAN FICTION. These kind of fan fictions are a bit to easy to write, simply because the characters everyone loves and knows are just portrayed differently than they are everywhere else. It's easy for an author to write a popular character like Nightwing or Percy Jackson out of character. It's hard for an author to write them in character, as well. You have to be familiar with their person- almost like you know them- which, if you're like me, eventually happens when you truly love a character. Of course, I'm going on the fact that my fan fictions are decent, which I have no idea if they are.

Even if you don't know these people by heart yet, you can still write good fan fiction if you know about their story.

But, if you're winging it, something just doesn't click with the readers. 


Harley Quinn smiled at the Riddler. "Oh, I love that idea. I think it's a very educated guess and I believe the odds of succeeding are very high- possibly 89 out of 100." She says in a proper manner. The Joker meowed like a cat in the distance. Batman did the chicken dance with the ghost of Robin. Superman was dead forever because DC ruined Superman and no one wants an supposed 'invincible man of steel' type of Superman who freaking dies.

I'm not saying you shouldn't write a fan fiction because you're not familiar with that character- I'm just saying do your research. When I first started writing Avenger's fan fiction, the internet was my guide. I was still learning about their universe, and writing that fan fiction grew me as both a fan and a writer. 

So when it comes to writing these and you start guessing, stop and look up some information. Hard work is both rewarding for you and your readers, who will enjoy a bit of backstory references that they know by heart. And soon, you will too. 

TWO: THE AWKWARD ONE-SHOTS. These are just as they say they are- awkward. A one shot is a short little tidbit of story that involves you with said fictional person. But sometimes, the authors write these characters like they are... well, certainly not them. And it's just awkward. You have no idea why this character is acting like a maniac and you have no idea why this book version of 'you' is falling for it, like it's super romantic or something. 


Sam Wilson hooted like an ostrich. "Stiddly whock to-saw, Y/N, you're a hot piece of chicken McNugget!" He cried, dancing like a pelican with rabies. "I bet my friends would widdly tiddly adore you with me! In fact, I would move my poppity poopin seat up for you!" He smiled as two of his front teeth wiggled in delight. You swooned at his flirty-ness and sighed- you were now in love. Such a perfect man. 

I'm just saying that these are 100% hilarious- and should be written as so. But some of these one shots you can tell were supposed to be serious, but failed miserably. And although I read these for laughs, here's a tip: if you want to write a serious one-shot book, make it sad. Make people cry. Make people devastated.

That is all. 

THREE: THE WORMHOLE FAN FICTION. This fan fiction exists solely to bug comic book fans- even movie fans. And, I hate to say this, but these authors who write the Wormhole fan fiction are usually wannabe fans. They know that the fans of DC, Marvel, and all other super hero universes (Power Rangers, Stargate, Voltron, etc...) can literally point out any flaw in your fan fiction- but they try and pretend they know about that particular universe. 

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