Chapter 1

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Today was the day. My first day of my junior year of high school. Two more years of this shit. I sighed as I entered the school building. Maybe this year will be different. Maybe.

I started walking towards my homeroom when I felt a sharp tap on my shoulder. I turned around to be greeted by no other than Heather Chandler. The biggest bitch I knew yet I still remained her "friend" if you will.

"Hey Veronica. Ready for the new school year?" She said as she smiled. Every word that came out of her mouth just sounded like venom.

"Oh yeah. People bullying each other and making everyones life a living hell sure is exciting!" I grinned and held up two of my thumbs.

"Just stop with the sarcasm Veronica you're with the big leagues. High school couldn't be any better than right now." She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"I need some new friends." I thought to myself as I continued my walk to homeroom. I went to go sit by the right corner in the back of the classroom like I usually do. I took out my journal and started doodling just waiting for the clock to turn to 8:00 and have class officially begin. I tuned everything around me out till a voice snapped me out of it.

"Veronica!" Oh boy. Another Heather. Great.

"Hello Heather." I turned up to see Heather Duke smiling at me as she sat down next to me.

"How was your summer Veronica? Got any guys on your radar?" She said a little too excitedly.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but, no. Being in a relationship isn't exactly a priority for me right now." Her smile went down and she rolled her eyes.

"Why not? I mean theres plenty of guys here drooling over you I mean just look over there!" She motioned her head over to a guy sitting all over to the left of the class by the window. He was wearing trench coat which was odd considering it wasn't even cold out. His bangs fell slightly over his eyes and yet I could still see his eyes looking straight at me. He smirked then turned away.

          "I just don't care for any guys who attend this school. Most of them don't even have the ability to love another human being."

          "Have it your way." Heather sighed and shrugged.

          "Finally. I have rights here!" I patted Heathers shoulder and she rolled her eyes again. I guess eye rolling is a signature Heather move.

           The clock finally struck 8:00 and the teacher walked in and greeted the class. She handed out everyones schedule and Heather immediately grabbed mine to see if we had any classes together. I heard her scoff then place my paper back on my desk. I guess we don't. Thats good. The teacher then told us to head to out first period and go on with the day. We all got up and I headed to my first class of the day.


          The day went by pretty fast and soon enough it was lunch time. I grabbed my lunch went straight to where the Heathers were sitting.

          "Hey Veronica!" Heather McNamara greeted me as a sat down. She was the only Heather I could tolerate and I actually enjoyed her company.

           I sat down and smiled. "So what's on todays agenda ladies?" I said looking at Chandler seeing her hold a clipboard.

          "Lunchtime poll! I decided we could go around and ask some students any random question and see what their answer is." She smiled.

          "So basically it's just a survey and you see what everyones answer is on some random question you make up." I raised an eyebrow at Chandler.

         "Yes! This weeks question is 'You win five million dollars from the Publisher's sweepstakes, and the same day the big Ed guy gives you the check, aliens land on the earth and say they're going to blow up the world in two days. What do you do with the money?' Brilliant question don't you think?" She grinned.

          I sighed. It was a stupid question. I certainly didn't want to go around asking the most obnoxious people in school for their stance on it. I looked around the cafeteria as the Heathers continued to talk about the poll when I saw the same guy who was staring at me during homeroom. I couldn't look away and found that he was staring at me as well. He smirked and patted the table where he was sitting all by himself. I turned to see the Heathers were too busy in their conversation and sat up and started walking towards trench coat kid. I don't know why I did but, something about him intrigued me.

          "Hello. I couldn't help but observe that you looked very miserable with your friends over there." He said. His voice only made me more interested in who he was.

          I sat down across from him and said, "Yeah I wouldn't exactly call them my friends. I only associate myself with them so everyone can leave me alone and I don't have to deal with name calling and everything in between."

          "Hm. Coworkers I guess you could say?" He said as he leaned forward.

          "Yeah. Actually that is exactly right. Anyway I've never seen you around before. Are you new here?" I asked.

          "Most certainly. My uh father owns a deconstruction company so I'm moved around a lot. Funny how many high schools I've been to yet everything is exactly the same. Irritating peers. Idiotic teachers. Principals who couldn't care less. Sad almost."

" Veronica!" I heard Chandlers demonic voice screech 30 feet away from the table trench coat and I were sitting at. I sighed and stood up.

"Well, thank you for your lovely company but the Lipgloss Gestapo is calling me." I smiled and he nodded and smiled in return.
         I started to walk away then turned and said, "Hey you never told me your name."

          "Jason. Jason Dean but, you can just call me JD." He leaned back.

          "I'm Veronica. Sawyer. I hope we can talk again soon Jason Dean." I grinned and walked away.

          Maybe this school year won't be so bad.

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