Chapter 8

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          I took a deep breath as I walked up the porch that belonged to the demon queen. Why in the hell was I doing this? I don't know. I knocked on the door and grew nervous. The door opened almost immediately and I was greeted by the infamous Heather Chandler.

          "Finally saw the light?" Heather said with an evil smile. "I knew you'd crawl back. Veronica Sawyer you were made to fly with the eagles I don't know why you became such an idiot."

          "Please Heather can you go a day without insulting me? I just want my best friend back." I said. That was a total lie. Truth is I wanted my reputation back. I know, I know. You'd expect me to learn something after being J.D.'s friend for about a month. It's just that since my attempt at kissing him was a complete disaster I didn't think he'd want to talk to me. I wasn't exactly keen on making conversation with the guy myself. The end result? I'd have no friends.

          That was something I just couldn't handle. You either eat with Heather Chandler or get eaten by Heather Chandler. Since I don't have J.D. by my side that meant I would have to face her alone. Going against Heather is like going against the whole school. Just because not everyone liked her doesn't mean they wouldn't stand beside the most popular girl in school. My only choice was to become her 'ally' again.

"Okay okay. Just come in." Heather turned around and I stepped in and closed the door behind me. We both went upstairs and headed straight to Heathers room. I sat down at her desk meanwhile she sat on her bed. "So you want back in?" She asked.

I nodded. She tilted her head and looked at me up and down. Then she looked me straight in the eye. I felt goosebumps raise on my arms as she looked at me with cold eyes.

"Why the sudden change of heart? You had a whole rant about how you didn't want to associate with me and now look at you!" She laughed. "Did your little boyfriend dump you?" I didn't respond but just looked away. She laughed even harder. "Awww. That's so depressing."

She slowly stood up then stood right in front of me. Back straight. Arms crossed. Eyes looking right at me. "You really fucked up, Veronica. I'm willing to give you a second chance though. On one condition."

I looked up at her. If looks could kill I would've been dead on Heather Chandler's floor right now. God could she be terrifying. "What is it..." I said slowly.

"See Veronica you've already made quite a fool of yourself. Walking into school on Monday and people suddenly seeing you by my side would probably just bring my rep down instead of building yours up. We want to avoid that at all costs. The only way you can reach the top is by dating the Quarterback! Ram and I are going on a date tomorrow night. I'll ask him to bring Kurt and it'll be a double date. Alright?" Heather flashed her millionth evil grin as she finished her sentence.

          I hesitated for a second. Kurt Kelly? The guy who grinded on me at that super lame party who I then proceeded to throw my drink at? "Heather, with all due respect why him? I mean there's other guys on the football team who are way better than that as-"

"Do you want in or not? Kurt Kelly is one of the most popular guys in school. You either get with him and raise to the top again or say no to all of this and get out of my sight." Heather said almost scolding me as if I was a child.

"Fine. I'll do it. How long do I have to be with the guy though?" I asked.

She thought about it for a second. Then smiled and said, "Until the end of the school year. Then you break up with him during the summer and no one's reputation will go down and you'll be at the top."

Beautiful (Jd x Veronica) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now