Chapter 14

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I started waking up when I felt someone continuously nudge my shoulder. I groaned and started to push away the arm that was shoving me.

"Veronica, it's Monday. Wake up. We have to go to school." I groaned again at J.D's words. He chuckled and pulled my blankets off me.

I shuddered at the feeling of the cool air hitting me. "Jason it's cold. Give it back." I mumbled into my pillow.

"Nope. I already let you sleep in for like 15 minutes. We have to go already." He said. I felt his sit down next to me and pat my thigh.

"What time is it?" I clutched the pillow closer to my face.


My eyes fluttered open. "Shit." I got up and ran to my closet. I grabbed a random outfit then went to my restroom to change and brush my teeth.

I looked at myself in the mirror once I was done. I glared at myself then shuffled out of the restroom. I entered my room to see that J.D. wasn't in there. He probably was already waiting for me outside. I grabbed my bag then headed downstairs. I looked around to see if my parents were home and as usual they weren't. I went outside and saw J.D already on his bike. I ran to him then hopped on, grabbing his torso tightly.

Once he felt that I had adjusted myself properly, he took off. He was driving slower then he usually does which confused me, especially since I slept in. I didn't question him though. I mean who am I to question Jason Dean? He'd just shrug off the question then go on an ramble about something completely off topic.

We arrived at school about five minutes early. I was grateful since it gave me time to go to my locker snd grab my book for first period. I was next to Jason, closing my locker when he cleared his throat very loudly. I glanced at him with a questioning look when flickered his eyes behind me. I furrowed my brows, turned around and saw Heather Chandler. She was a couple feet away from me but, her eyes were burning into my skin. Her arms were crossed and her grip was tight. If I didn't know Heather I would have been petrified right now. Okay maybe I'm a little frightened I mean it's Heather fucking Chandler.

My breath hitched as we made eye contact. I felt myself tense up and expected her to come walking towards me but, instead she turned around and left the hallway. I turned to J.D. who just shrugged his shoulders.

"What the hell just happened?" I said in complete shock. Walking away from a situation was so unlike Heather. I'm positive she knew that I broke things off with Kurt. She should've walked up to me and yelled at me. It then dawned on me that maybe she didn't want to confront me. That maybe she already went on to spread rumors about me. I turned to glance at all the students and sure enough no one was staring at me. Now I was even more confused.

"I have no idea but, phase one is complete. Now we move on to phase two." J.D. said, smirking.

"Getting Ram and Heather to break up. Yeah. How exactly would we do that. I mean Ram refers to Heather as like the hottest piece of ass he's ever grabbed. How do we make him drop her?"

"We could just tell him a little white lie or two." He winked at me then the bell rang. He grabbed my arm. "Let's get you to class. You're a new woman!" He said and I laughed.

              When I arrived to class I ran straight to the back of the classroom and set my things down. Classes felt extremely slow today and I couldn't help but wonder what Jason meant by white lies. What exactly was he planning on telling Ram. If he were to make up an insane rumor about Heather to break up the two what exactly would he say? And what if Ram didn't believe him? What if this whole plan was total shit and would just end up making things worse? I shrugged off the thoughts, trying to not think about the negative side of everything.

          During lunch I sat next to J.D. and glanced over at the Heathers table. I was surprised that only Heather Duke and Mcnamara were sitting there. Kurt was sitting with them too. I glanced around the cafeteria and saw Ram siting with the rest of the football team. Heather Chandler was nowhere to be seen.

          "Have you said or done anything? Why isn't she here?" I asked J.D. who just shook his head.

          "I swear I haven't done anything. If I did I would have made sure to tell you."

          "This is so unlike her. It makes me uncomfortable. Do you think something... happened?"

          "Like what?"

          I shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. I mean her home life is fantastic. She's not exactly a victim of bullying. Unless something happened between her and Ram but, what?"

          "Maybe one of them cheated. It's possible. If that were the case, then who?"

           "I don't know Jason but, this is all giving me a bad feeling." I glanced back to where the Heathers were sitting. They were silent. Not one of them was talking. They both looked extremely lost. Heather Mcnamara turned her head and made eye contact with me. She pointed to the door and I raised an eyebrow. She then got up and left the cafeteria. "I think.. she wants me to go with her."

          "Go. I'll be here." He said and I left the cafeteria. There was Heather Mcnamara fumbling with the hem of her shirt.

          "So, did you hear all the rumors?" She whispered.

          "Rumors? What rumors?"

          Heather let out a small smile then looked up at me. "That Heather got knocked up."

           I couldn't help but gasp. "Wait what?"

           She nodded. "Ram's been telling almost everyone. I'm surprised you didn't hear about it. She's avoiding everyone and when I asked her about it she ignored me."

          My eyes were wide and I couldn't even respond. How did Heather manage to destroy her own reputation before Jason had the chance? How did Heather even manage to get pregnant? Sure she would sleep around once in a while but I thought she was on birth control. It was the scariest coincidence and I couldn't help but shudder.

          "Anyway, I heard about you and Kurt. I wanted to ask you something."


           "I know you guys like just broke up but, would it be okay if like... I was into him. Or am. I dunno." She shrugged then looked down.

          "Oh, Heather. It's totally fine. Go for it. I was never really into him anyway." I scrunched my nose and she smiled.

           "Wait really?" She walked up to me then hugged me. "You know Veronica we don't need Heather. We need real friends.. like you." I inaudibly gasped then returned the hug. She pulled away grinning then walked back into the cafeteria. I stood there for a good minute until I walked back in and sat next to Jason.

          "So how'd it go?" He asked.

          "Well our plan is officially cancelled."

          "Wait why?" He asked furrowing his brows then leaning on the table.

          "Heather's pregnant. She's been avoiding everyone and knowing her she'll be out of here soon."

           "Oh, wow." He said running his hand through his hair.

           "The worst part about all this is that now I'm even more terrified. Something just doesn't feel right." I groaned and hid my face in my hands.

          I felt Jason place a hand on my shoulder. He rubbed it softly. "Hey, you can't let Heather get to you even when she's not reigning anymore. You're finally free."

          "I guess you're right. Still, is it weird I feel kind of guilty?"

          "She's going to be a mother at 16. I'm pretty sure everyone feels a bit of guilt when you hear about those situations."

          "You're right yet again." I turned to him then smiled. "Hopefully things are alright from here on out."

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