Chapter 18

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          I groaned as I felt the sun's natural light begin to blind me and threw my blankets off my body. I turned over to nudge J.D.'s shoulder, who was lying face down on my floor. I thought that after kissing me he would want to sleep on my bed with me considering there was enough room but, he proved me wrong and slept on the floor. J.D.'s fear or uncomfortableness with intimacy never ceases to confuse me. Then again the poor boy had a rough childhood so, who was I to question his fears?

          I watched him as he turned over and stretched. He caught my eyes and smiled. "Ready for school, Princess?" I chortled.

          "Yeah let's just get dressed." He nodded in agreement and got up from the floor. As he began to fold the blankets, I went to my dresser and grabbed a plain white skirt and a long sleeved red shirt. I went to the restroom and changed and by the time I came out J.D. was already dressed. I grabbed my bag and we headed downstairs and out the door.

           We got on his bike and started heading for school. During the ride, I couldn't help but let my mind wander back to the topic of intimacy with J.D. Would it ever be a problem for us in the future? I mean, it's definitely way too early to think about things like this but, will he ever even want to take things farther than one simple kiss? Would he even want to ever get married? What about kids? I began to imagine myself living in a nice house with J.D. and a few children. I quickly snapped out of that daydream and scolded myself. He kissed me back for the first time yesterday and I wasn't going to let my feelings destroy what was slowly building up. I mean is it wrong of me to crave the intimacy Jason doesn't necessarily currently want? It's like his lack of just makes me want it more. Before I could bury myself into a hole of questions J.D.'s relationship with me, I felt the motorbike come to a stop. I shook my head and looked up to see we were at school.

          "Hey, you okay?" He asked as we got off. I ran my hand through my hair and nodded. He glanced at me for a second with a concerned expression but, shrugged it off and began walking towards the front doors. I took a deep breath before I began to speed walk to catch up to him.

We walked next to each other as we headed towards my locker. I kept looking over at his hand which was occasionally brushing against mine. I had the sudden urge to just hold his hand. I put my hand into a fist to stop myself. I was probably being over dramatic but, I want to be careful around J.D. I don't want to risk making him uncomfortable at all. We got to my locker and he waved his hand as he headed towards his first period. I grabbed my books then walked to my first period class. I entered the classroom and froze when I saw Heather Duke sitting next to my seat. She caught my stare and grinned. I shuffled over to her and sat in my seat, befuddled.

"Before you ask, yearbook began to create conflicts with my schedule so they moved some of my classes. Now I have first period with you!" She exclaimed. I furrowed my brows but, just accepted it.

          I don't exactly know where I stand with Duke. Honestly she was mostly a bitch 99% of the time to impress Chandler. Now that she's gone maybe she'll show her true colors. She used to be really nice before all the Heathers became friends. God, elementary school was such a simple time.

          "Heather came to my house. It was kind of endearing. She apologized for like everything. You'd never really expect that from her, you know? I mean that girl was a bitch to everyone, even her closest friends. I wonder how she's going to be in her new school. Do you think she'll still be a bitch then and all this apology crap is just so she doesn't leave with a bad reputation? Knowing her it's possible. I kind of feel bad for her though. I mean at the end of the day she was our friend! Even though she made me feel like shit... Anyway, Ram's like super upset. You know the whole baby thing kinda took him out of his game. You wouldn't really expect that from someone on the football team. I think a part of him was looking forward to having a baby. Whatever it's her body maybe she is making the right choice. What do you think? Honestly I hope th-"

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