Chapter 16

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the chapter with teen angst bullshit.

          I began to feel myself drift off to sleep on my bed till I heard someone jump into my room through my window. I rubbed my eyes and sat up to look at who came in and gasped at the sight.

          J.D. was standing there leaning over clutching his stomach. He wasn't wearing his coat but, instead a regular plain t-shirt and some black jeans. I gulped as I examined all the fresh bruises and cuts on his arms. He looked up at me and my breath hitched as I scanned his face. His lip was busted and he had a couple scratches here and there. He smiled as he attempted to stand straight. It was a pretty disturbing sight.

          I quickly got up from my bed and lead Jason to my bathroom. I motioned for him to sit on the toilet. I ran back to my bed and grabbed the first aid-kit he asked me to get earlier. I went back to the restroom and opened up the kit. I grabbed the alcohol to clean all the cuts and poured a bit on a small towel. I turned back to him and frowned. He was still smiling which honestly made me a little uncomfortable. I must have stood there frozen for a while because he finally spoke up.

          "Hello, Princess." He said, his voice incredibly groggy. He sounded really tired and it made me upset.

          "Hey." I whispered, suddenly afraid to speak to loud. "Do you have any injuries under your shirt?"

           "Yeah." He took off his shirt and I winced at the sight. There were even larger bruises all over his chest and some large cuts on his stomach. "This is gonna hurt." I slowly began dabbing and wiping all the cuts he had on his body. He didn't seem to react to the alcohol but, just remained still keeping his eyes on me meanwhile I avoided eye contact. After I made sure all his cuts were clean I began to place band-aids on all the small cuts. Then grabbed the cloth self adhesive bandage and wrapped his entire stomach. After I finished I closed the first aid-kit and left my room to place the kit back in my parents room. I slowly walked back to my room and saw J.D. sitting at my desk with his head down. I shuffled to the edge of my bed and sat at the edge of it.

          "Want to talk about it?" I asked and he lifted his head up. He looked at me and smiled.

          "Sure. When I got home I was greeted by my drunk father. He started yelling at me, something about how I'm never home." He chuckled and I shivered. "Told me off and he made sure to mention how much of a disappointment I am. Then the man smashed his beer bottle on the coffee table and... you can figure out the rest."

         I sighed. "Jason you can't stay there."

         "I know."

          "But you don't want to report him."


          "Then stay here. Just don't go home and maybe he'll think you ran away or something."

           "Two problems, Princess. One, I can't stay here. It's already enough that you let me stay here all the time but to live here is asking for too much. Two, I'm still a minor. He can report me as missing."

          "Okay well you didn't ask. I was offering. Also it's either that or we report him Jason."

          "No Veronica. I can handle another two years there."

          "A lot can happen in two years. I don't think I would be able to live with myself if one day things went too far. It already pains me enough to see you like this today."

Beautiful (Jd x Veronica) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now