Chapter 3

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          I woke up that Tuesday morning incredibly tired. I sighed and threw on any outfit and tried to make myself look at least decent. I glared at myself in the mirror for a good three minutes dreading the idea of going to school today. I don't doubt Kurt told Heather Chandler about me throwing beer on him. He was probably super pissed and she would be too. She'll probably even kick me out of their little group as I'm clearly an "embarrassment" to her. Whatever I shouldn't care. But I do. And that's the worst part.

          I exited my room and walked down the stairs. I grabbed my back pack and waved bye to my mom and grabbed an apple before I exited the house. I was shocked when I saw J.D. standing on the lawn leaning on his bike. He looked at me and smiled.

          "Would the lovely Ms. Sawyer like a ride to school?" J.D. asked as he slowly walked towards me. I smiled.

          I nodded and he looked down. He grabbed my apple. "Oh hey you brought me a snack!" He took a bite and I rolled my eyes at him. He just grinned and winked. He got on his bike and I followed after him.

          "Hold on tight, Princess! Trench coat is gonna take the bumpy road." He exclaimed as the he started the bike and drove off. He went off road and was going incredibly fast. I held on for dear life. Jesus was he trying to kill me?

          "Why are you going so fast?!" I yelled in his ear.  He winced a little as I gripped onto him tighter.

          "We're making a quick stop before school." He said loud enough for me to hear and then he stopped in front of the 7/11. Really?

          "You almost killed me so we can go to a goddamn 7/11?" I said as I hopped off the bike. He just grabbed my arm and we walked inside.

          He went over to the slushie machine and got a medium sized cup. He served himself and grabbed a cup and handed it to me.

          "Isn't it a little early for this?" I asked him and he looked at me with a confused face.

          "It's never too early." He said as he took a sip from his straw. I placed the cup back and grabbed a small pack of cookies instead.

          "You seem to be in a different mood." I said. I grabbed his cup and walked to the cashier.

          "It's a new day. You don't want to repeat everyday of your life by having the same mood everyday."  He said as he smiled and handed me money. I pushed his hand away and grabbed my wallet. "So you're paying now?" He questioned.

          "You payed yesterday and I want to be repay you." I said and he smiled and looked down. J.D. was so confusing. He can be bashful and sweet one second and then be sarcastic and really intimidating in another. Christ I've known the guy for one day and I'm already too invested in who he is.

          I payed for the stuff and we walked and sat down on the edge of the sidewalk. J.D. took another sip of his drink then shifted his body so he was facing me.

          "So, what's on the Heather agenda today?" He asked with almost too much sarcasm.

"Not entirely sure. See, Heather doesn't exactly condone anyone messing with her reputation in anyway. The stunt I pulled on Kurt yesterday just might affect my standing with her. It may seem like a little thing but, Heather would probably even turn devil mode on if she caught you with gum on your shoe." I said as I opened my small pack of cookies and ate one.

J.D. just chuckled. "She's pathetic. As much as you would hate to be kicked out of their little group I wouldn't pity you if they did."

I furrowed my brows and said, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means I'd be glad. Relieved. You're currently the only person I can tolerate in that hell hole and I would prefer if you escaped before they could convert you. It would be a shame if you turned into them. Arrogant assholes who believe high school is their entire life and that their status means everything." He shook his head during the last sentence. I stood quite. J.D. was certainly right. If only I didn't care so much about what people thought. J.D. let out a long breath and got up to throw away his empty cup. He held his hand out and helped me up. "Let's go to school, Princess."


J.D. and I entered the school together. We walked towards my locker and he leaned on the wall beside me. He was about to open his mouth when Heather Chandler stood in front of him looking at me with an annoyed expression.

"Kurt told me about last night. What the fuck Veronica? You throw your drink on the poor guy and run off to god knows where. Are you stupid?" She yelled in my face and I just looked down. I genuinely didn't want to have to face Heather right now. I stayed quiet until she grabbed my face and held it so she could look me in the eye.

"You're pathetic. An idiot. Find someone else to help you keep your rep up. I doubt it will happen no one wants to talk to a lard-ass." She said then let go of my face and walked away. I felt my eyes start to water up and I blinked trying not to cry. I heard J.D. sigh then take a step towards me.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a bit of concern in his voice. I took a deep breath then nodded.

"Sorry. I care too much about my stance with everyone its disgusting." I chuckled then turned to grab my book.

"You shouldn't. You're worth more than that." He said then walked away to his first period. Again he was right. I straightened my back then walked my class and decided I wasn't going to let Heather get to me anymore.


          During lunch I went with J.D. since I wouldn't be allowed to sit at the Heathers table anymore. He smiled when he saw me walking towards the table he was sitting at.

          "The lovely Veronica Sawyer is joining me today for lunch!" He said as he sat up. I just smiled and sat down across from him.

          "Of course. I'm a free woman Jason Dean and I can sit wherever I choose." I said.

          "What are you doing today after school?" He asked.

          "As of right now I have no plans." I said and he smirked. J.D. was incredibly attractive and I'd be lying if I said he didn't make me swoon. I literally met the guy yesterday and he helped me escape Heathers clique which I finally decided was a good thing and is making me have a crush on him. Well he isn't really making me but still. School is going to become a lot though so I'm not looking for a relationship. Plus I don't even know where I exactly stand with J.D. He gives me so many mixed signals. He goes from being shy and blushing and I think theres something there then suddenly he talks to me with no emotion and almost sounds bored. 

          He interrupted my thoughts by saying, "Why don't you come over again and we could watch a movie."

           "Will your dad be there?" I asked and he just grinned and shook his head. Was he being suggestive? Wait did my question sound suggestive? Why does that matter? Jesus.
           "Will we be watching another one of your musicals?" I asked and laughed. J.D. ran his hand through his hair.

          "Rocky Horror is a good movie alright? You liked it so, don't even pick on me." He said the chuckled.

          "Jason Dean. The physical embodiment of the element of surprise." I said and he smiled.

Beautiful (Jd x Veronica) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now