Chapter 2

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After school the demonic trinity decided we go to Heather Chandler's house to get ready for some party the jocks were having to celebrate the new school year. I didn't get the point. Especially since it was a school night.

          "Veronica try this on!" I heard Heather Chandler say as she threw an old outfit of hers at me. I grabbed the outfit to examine it to see it was a grey off the shoulder top and a suspender skirt. As much as I hate to give Heather credit for anything it was a cute outfit.

"Sure thing captain." I walked into her bathroom and changed into the outfit. I examined myself in the mirror and I honestly really liked it. It was simple yet it made me feel confident. I walked out of the restroom and all three girls turned to see how I looked.

"Wear that for the party. You'll probably finally get a boyfriend from it." Chandler said as she picked up a pair of heels and tossed them to me.

          I scoffed as I slid off my shoes and put on the heels. As if an annoying boyfriend from the football team is really what I need to start off to this "amazing" year.

          I walked towards Heather's vanity and just put on some red lipstick and mascara. I don't even know why I'm trying to look decent I'll probably be hiding in the restroom for the majority of the party.

          "Alright, let's motor!" Heather smiled at all of us once we were finished getting ready.

          We began walking out of her house and to Heathers car. I sat in the front with her while Duke and McNamara sat in the back.

          Heather turned to me and said, "First we're gonna go to the corner store real quick I want a snack." I sighed and nodded.


          I walked into the store as the girls stayed in the car. I walked to one of the aisles and grabbed some corn nuts when a voice made me jump.

          "Want a drink with that?" The familiar voice asked. I turned and saw J.D. from school holding a slushie smiling.

          I smiled, "I'm good but, maybe you can help me escape the three anti-Christ." He chucked.

          "I understand that you hang out with them so people leave you alone but is it really worth being miserable for an entire year?" He asked as he fiddled with the straw from the slushie.

          I sighed and looked down. "I rather be looked up at than down upon. Plus I'm too deep in the hole now. If I try to leave Heather will end me and I won't even be free. She'll still try and make my life as miserable as possible."

          "You have a soul Veronica. You shouldn't waste it on those assholes." He said carefully.

          "I guess you're right. Well maybe this year I can fly away from those bitches. We're going to this dumb party some of the jocks are hosting and they're making me go. I've never been a big party goer." I said with a sigh.

          "Then ditch them. Hang with me." He said.

          I thought about it for a few seconds. I'd probably have more fun with J.D. than the Heathers but, then again Heather would kick my ass if I didn't go with her. I wasn't in the mood to deal with a bitchy demon.

          I smiled and said, "Maybe next time. If I don't deal with Heather now I'll have to deal with her later and I rather get it over with."

          He sighed and looked in my eyes for a bit like he was searching. Then he took the corn nuts from my hand.

          "Hey!" I exclaimed.

Beautiful (Jd x Veronica) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now