Chapter 15

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          After school J.D. dropped me off and told me he was going home since his dad would be pissed if he just stopped going home overall. I was of course worried but, J.D. wouldn't listen to me if I protested.

I was at my desk trying to do my homework but, just couldn't focus. My hands were extremely clammy and my leg kept twitching. I groaned and just gave up. I threw myself onto my bed wanting the day to just be over. I turned my head to look at my clock. It was only 4:30 so I couldn't just sleep now. I got off bed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed some leftover spaghetti from the fridge and threw it in the microwave. As I was watching the timer go down, there was a ring at my doorbell. I furrowed my brows since nobody was supposed to come over today. I went to the door and slowly opened it.

There was Heather Chandler. God did she look exhausted. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy. She was probably crying earlier which was reasonable. She sighed.

"You just going to stare at me or are you going to let me in?" She crossed her arms, her eyes burning holes into me.

"Oh yeah." I stuttered and moved to the side to let her in. I closed the door behind me and led her to the kitchen. She sat on a stool meanwhile I took the plate of spaghetti out of the microwave. "Do you like.. want some?"

She scrunched up her nose. "Ew no." I nodded then grabbed a fork and stood across from her.

"What um brings you here?" I asked not wanting to push the wrong button. The last thing I needed was a tantrum from Heather.

"I'm sure you've heard all the rumors."

"Yeah..." I looked down at my plate feeling incredibly uncomfortable. The awkwardness in the room was unbearable. I decided at this point even your worst enemies need support. "I'm sure you can do it. You've got great grades and you live in a big h-"

"I'm not keeping the baby." She retorted.

"Oh... Well I'm sure whoever adopts yo-"

"No. I'm not keeping the baby."

"Oh." I shoved some spaghetti into my mouth as a realized what she meant.

"It was my choice. Ram got upset about it so he... dumped me. I looked into it. There's already so many kids waiting to be adopted you know? I'm also moving. States. Biggest coincidence. My dad got this insane job offer in Colorado. They'll be paying him almost twice as much as he gets payed now." My eyes widened. Heather Chandler was officially going to be out of my life for good and I actually didn't have to do anything. I hid my smile with another bite of spaghetti.

"Anyway I guess I just wanted to say goodbye. I'm not going to school for the rest of the week and I'm leaving on Sunday." I looked up from my plate to look at her. She was giving me a small smile. It was incredibly strange how vulnerable she looked. It was like one word could just break her down at any moment. And for once in my life I felt something I never thought I would feel for Heather Chandler.


I mean why would I? Heather was incredibly rich, was at the top of the class, had her dream boy, and everything else in between.

          Except now all of that didn't matter. She was moving to a new state, got dumped, and became pregnant. Although that was going to change soon.

          "I feel horrible. Abortion isn't an easy decision you know. It took some time but, I know it's what's best." She mumbled. I couldn't help but frown at her statement. She chewed on her bottom lip then lifted one of her hands to wipe away a tear. "I feel like this is karma. You know. For being such a fucking bitch. I've never felt so alone or weak. It's like I'm finally getting to experience what I've made everyone feel these past years. I regret so much." She hid her face in her hands and I heard her choke out a sob.

           My heart dropped to my stomach. No one has ever seen this side of Heather Chandler. It was mortifying. I went over to Heather and gave a hug. I was surprised when she turned and hugged me back. She clung to me as if her life depended on it. I rubbed her back and began whispering in her ear. You'll be okay. You got this. You're a strong person. I believe in you. Things I never thought she would need to hear. She slowly pulled away and looked me in the eyes, giving me the most genuine smile. I grinned. I could only hope Heather was officially going to change once she moved.

She nervously tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm gonna go now... Thank you Veronica. I'm sorry for all the hell I've ever put you through. I can only hope you forgive me eventually."

"Of course." I patted her shoulder and she smiled at me again. Then she turned and exited my house. I sighed then went back to my spaghetti. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined Heather apologizing to me. Heather was one of the most demonic girls I knew. Today I saw a side I never knew she had. A broken side. A vulnerable side.

I finished up my plate then placed it in the sink and headed back to my room. I sat on my bed and leaned on the headboard. I wondered if Heather was going to go visit Mcnamara and Duke to apologize as them as well. They of course deserved an apology in my opinion. Hell the whole school did. My thoughts were then interrupted by my phone ringing loudly on my nightstand. I turned and grabbed the phone.

"Hello?" I said into the phone and heard a bit of shuffling on the other side till someone cleared their throat.

"Veronica?" I heard Jason's voice strain. I quickly became worried.

"J.D. is that you? What happened?" I asked sitting up on my bed fumbling with the hem of my skirt.

"You know how I said I wasn't coming over?" He asked and I nodded, not realizing he couldn't even see me. "Change of plans, Princess. Oh and take out a first aid kit for me please? Thank you." He said and clicked.

I put the phone back and quickly went to my parent's restroom. I opened the bottom cabinet where they had the first aid kit then went back to my room where I anticipated for J.D.'s arrival. Who knew what happened to the boy this time.

meanwhile i was writing this my book hit 2k reads so of course i feel the need to say thank you to all of you!!! as always im very grateful. anyway i hope you enjoyed this chapter of my chansaw feelings just slipping out of my pocket. this book may be coming to an end soon im not sure i dont really have any more conflict for this to be incredibly long so again i dont know.

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