Chapter 10

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can i just take a moment to say oh my god thank you?!!?! 1k reads ?! thats crazy i legit started writing this completely out of boredom and expected no one to read it! i'm blown away thank you so much for the reads and votes :,) i cherish every single one of your votes and comments

Two weeks later

The past two weeks were a handful. I had to deal with the Heathers and Kurt. I mean dealing with the Heathers wasn't entirely hellish. I was their friend for a reason but, Chandler would constantly give me devil eyed glares if I didn't act a certain way. Especially around Kurt. Oh God, don't even get me started on Kurt.

Since Kurt truly believes that I'm into him the big headed bastard thinks he is the shit. Whenever he catches me even slightly glancing at him he flexes his muscles and winks at me. Its disturbing and I don't understand how he still has a sense of pride. Not only that but, his raging male hormones get the best of him and the only thing on his mind is sex.

To add to all this there was still J.D. I couldn't help but, wince every time I'd catch him glaring at me during homeroom or lunch. Although lately it's been less glares and more of a confused stare. I had seen him frown once when Kurt had kissed me hello. I knew he was disappointed in me.

          All in all I felt like I was at the top. People were finally starting to respect me again and things were almost back to the way they were before J.D. had shown up. The jocks had left me alone since I was Kurt's girlfriend and I didn't hear snickers and giggles every time I'd walk past any of the rich kids. It was nice and peaceful. I never participated in any of the crude acts the Heathers would do to any of the other kids. That also caused me to earn some respect. I'd also try to stop some of them whenever Chandler wasn't around. I knew if I ever came in between her and her interest in bullying others that it would be the end of me.

          Another con was that Kurt's still a teenage boy. He doesn't care if a girl wasn't ready to take it any further. He'd get tired of me if I didn't at least get to second base. I shuddered at the thought of me and him doing anything remotely sexual. That was something I'd have to talk to Heather about.

          Speaking of Heather we were going to the mall today. Duke and Mcnamara couldn't make it as Duke had to go visit some family members over the three day weekend and Mcnamara was grounded for some odd reason. I couldn't remember.

          I sat in bed wearing a plaid skirt and a grey long sleeved shirt waiting for Heather to come pick me up. As I waited I couldn't help but just stare at my window waiting for something that obviously wasn't coming.

          I honestly couldn't help but constantly wonder and worry about J.D. I mean could you blame me? The guy lives in an abusive household and has nobody to support him. At one point I was the only person he had. I shuddered as I caught myself let my feelings get the best of me. I need to stop mourning about J.D. as if he was gone forever.

          A very loud car horn interrupted my thoughts. Heather's here. I grabbed my purse and ran down the stairs. My parents didn't greet me or say goodbye. I didn't expect it honestly. I walked out the door and saw Heather in her car checking her make up in the car mirrors. I walked to the passengers side and sat in the car as she sighed.

          "About time Veronica. You take so damn long." She said as she started her car up again. "So how are things with Kurt."

          "They're fine bu-"

          "Great! You guys are pretty much the it couple of the school now. You're almost as popular as me you know and trust me that's saying something."

          "Yeah that's fantastic Heather bu-"

          "Hopefully when you guys break up your popularity doesn't decrease. That would be a shame for me and you. Maybe you guys can even be like an on and off thing after the summer. That would increase everyone's interest in you and probably make even more people like you."

          "Okay but Hea-"

          "God Veronica things are exactly like how they used to be. Actually if anything they're even better! I mean, look at us. We are completely on top and we aren't even seniors yet. Everyone wants us as either a friend or a fuck. It's amazing. It's everything I've dreamed for. You're finally getting the life you wanted when you first met me. You can't deny this is all better than hanging out with school shooter boy." She grinned as her hands tightened around the wheel. Heather didn't even seem human half of the time it was so disturbing.

          "Okay but Heathers here's the thing. You know how Kurt is. He's going to wanna... you know." I cringed.

          "Christ Veronica just say fuck." She said blatantly and my eyes widened as I felt myself begin to blush.

          "That's not the point! I'm just saying I don't know what to do once he wants to go to that level and I say no. If he breaks up with me then you'll break the deal and I don't want that. We both don't want that."

          "Then just have sex with him it's not that hard. You aren't a virgin are you?"

          "I'm... Uh..." I stuttered and looked down at my hands.

          "Such a prude." Heather said in disgust. Then she parked in the mall parking lot and shifted her body to face towards me. "Listen do what you gotta do to keep the boy entertained. I'm pretty sure he'll be happy if it's just your hand." I scrunched up my nose in disgust and she rolled her eyes. "Grow up, Veronica. You'll have to face your sexuality sooner or later." She glared at me then exited the car.

          I thought about what Heather said earlier about everyone wanting us as a friend or a fuck. Now that I'm processing it, who the hell wants to be Heathers friend. Okay maybe that is hypocritical of me but, look at the current situation. I'm dating some asshole who I hardly tolerate and now Heather has absolutely no compassion about my feelings about Kurt and I doing anything I'm not comfortable with.

          I sighed and exited the car and jogged to catch up to Heather as she was walking towards the mall entrance.

          "Why are we at the mall again?" I said as I caught of up Heather.

          "Its Sunday. I always get new clothes on Sunday." She replied and entered the crowded mall full of teenagers and adults with their children.

I always forgot how rich Heather's family is. The girl gets like $150 a week and blows it all on clothes and accessories. You'd hardly ever see her repeat an outfit especially since she would usually give something to either one of the Heathers or me once she had worn once or twice. I thought it was a complete waste of money but at least I was getting free clothes!

          The entire day at the mall consisted of Heather just dragging me around from store to store as she tried to find outfits that were currently "in." We eventually stopped at the food court at one point and she ordered a slushee and I choked at the sight of it. Then we took some pictures at some photobooth and she drove me home. The ride home was pretty silent besides Heather gossiping on some random rich kid she didn't like. I didn't pay attention to much of her conversation and just nodded my head in agreement so she wouldn't get irritated.

          When I got home I went straight to my room and flopped on my bed getting ready to knock out and temporarily forget my current situation when I heard a pebble thrown at my window.

Beautiful (Jd x Veronica) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now