Chapter 21

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so this book has a new cover now idk if you guys liked the original more but this feels neater. also i decided not to really have certain people portraying the characters as i'd like people to imagine the characters however they prefer (basically musical/movie characters i know everyone has their own preference. i personally imagine a mix of both as the characters. )
also sorry that this update took forever i swear i'll try to be more consistent with updates.

I sighed as I was finally dismissed from my last class of the day and was able to head home. My head was already pounding from the thought of Courtney and everyone else just trying to become the next HBIC. Then I remembered that I wanted to ask J.D. about what exactly our relationship was. Boy if that only made my headache worse.

Speaking of which, I hurried out of class and went straight to the parking lot where J.D. was waiting for me. He was leaning on his bike and I almost scoffed at how much he looked like he popped out of a cheesy movie where the bad boy falls for the nerdy girl. I speed walked to him and he looked up and smiled once he noticed my presence.

          "Ah, Ms. Sawyer! You've made it!" He got onto his bike and started it. "Well, let's go!"

I took a shaky breath as I hopped onto the bike and clutched onto him. Contact with J.D. was a rarity so, this bike was really a convenience for me. I was able to hold onto him and feel him without his flinching away.

Something I could never understand was also how much my feelings towards J.D. could shift. Just as how he goes from vulnerable and soft to intimidating and emotionless. Not that my feelings for him changed romantically, that I could hardly imagine. They change in the matter where one second I feel extremely comfortable around him and carefree to nervous and fearful. I feel like any word I say could be wrong and make him leave. It's an insane thought but, after how much he's opened up to me I can't help but fear that it's too much for him.

Especially now when I decided to ask him where our relationship exactly was and what we would call it. In another life, the question seems simple. Probably isn't too much of a big deal but, with J.D. it's incredibly difficult. I rolled my shoulders trying to ease my muscles. I took a deep breath as we finally reached my house.

          I climbed off the bike and he followed. I quickly walked to the front door and opened it. I went straight to the living room and threw my backpack onto the couch and sat next to it.

          "Why so tense?" I heard J.D. ask as he closed the door then continued to sit on the recliner. I looked at him and sat up.

          "What exactly are we?" I asked him.

          He raised an eyebrow, obviously confused by my question. "I'd say a couple of teenagers with misfortune lives."

          "That's not what I meant. I mean... like our relationship. What would you call it?" I asked and looked down at my hands to avoid his eyes.

          It was silent for a few seconds. I heard him sigh and shift his body towards me. "Why do we need to put a label on it? Just because everybody else does it doesn't mean we have to do it as well."

          I looked up at him, his expression was calm. I don't know why I expected him to be upset. "I'm not sure," I mumbled. "I think... if we did it would help me understand where we stand. It would also help me know where exactly our boundaries lie. Such as what I can and can't do. I just want to make sure I don't go too far, you know?" I shrugged as I finished speaking.

          He smiled. "Still no label necessary. When I kissed you, it was my way establishing how I feel about you and our relationship. Sure, this hasn't been what your typical relationship may be like but, you know its what makes me comfortable. Plus you shouldn't ever worry about going too far because, I will always tell you when it's too much for me and knowing you, you'll always listen."

          "Okay..." It wasn't exactly the answer I was looking for but, it was reassuring. I knew eventually I'd get used to J.D. and how distant he could be but, for now it was still very new. I didn't know what to do or say yet. I couldn't even imagine how we'd be in the future. If we even had a future. It's hard to imagine someone like J.D. being able to commit to a long lasting relationship.

          He looked me up and down then sighed. "Is it really bothering you?"

          "Somewhat." I shrugged. "The same was this is all new for you, this is all extremely new to me. I understand boundaries but, only up to an extent. I didn't think something as simple as a name for what exactly our relationship is would be an issue." He raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to speak yet, I interrupted him. "I'm sorry that was rude. I just mean that I've only dated stereotypical high school assholes. For once I'm... communicating with someone who is mature and manages to understand me completely yet confuse me at the same time. I'm still learning who you are so, the same way you hope for me to understand you, I'd hope you'd try your best to understand where I'm coming from. I'm not trying to change you or push you out of your comfort zone. I'm just asking for you to not get upset with me when something you dislike sounds... odd to me. Okay?" I looked at him, slightly scared that my response was too much.

          He was silent for a few seconds then slowly began nodding. "Yeah. I get it." He smiled then looked at me. "Can... I kiss you?"

          "Oh god, J.D. Yes. You don't even have to ask." I smiled and he began leaning in and placed his lips on mine. We kissed for what felt like minutes but, I knew was only a few seconds.

          Slowly, but surely we'd both be okay.

Thank you for like 11k reads whoa I never thought I'd get that many. Also sorry this took so long somethings happened school wise but everything is settled now so hopefully updates will be consistent again(:

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