Chapter 12

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today at school i saw some dude wearing a trench coat and i was like haha nice heathers reference

that authors note wasnt necessary but theres a day in my life get to know the author ;))))

anyway i realize my story is completely not canon and the characters personalities have been altered immensely so certain actions the characters had before have changed for example heather duke taking over once heather chandler's death occurred will be something highly unlikely here in my story both mcnamara and duke are incredibly weak without chandler so most of jd's plan will make sense due to this explanation

enjoy my crap bye

          I began waking up from my sleep as I heard papers shuffling from my desk. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. There was J.D. with his brows furrowed writing down on a piece of paper as if his life depended on it.

(why do u write like ur running outta time)

          "What are you doing?" I said wanting to speak clearly but instead sounded like a mumbling mess. J.D. chuckled and picked up the piece of paper. He walked to my bed to sit next to me.

          "This Ms. Sawyer is a full on plan on fucking with Heather Chandler. Along with alternatives if some of these are too much for you." He said confidently.

           "Okay so what's the first step?"

          He took a deep breath then looked at me as if I were a five year old he was about to break some bad news too. "Well this might be a little extreme but hear me out ight?"

          "Alright..." I said with uncertainty and he held back a laugh.

          "Why don't we just make her drink some bleach and say its juice." He said and I rolled my eyes and slapped his shoulder. He threw back his head laughing louder than I've ever heard him laugh.

          "Stop that's not even funny."

          "I know I know it's jokes honey. I didn't even write that down. I was kidding." He showed me the paper which had paragraphs of little schemes he had for Heather. I widened my eyes. I looked up at him and he gave me a smirk in return.

          "Jesus Jason how much did you have planned?" I asked. He shrugged.

           "I just came up with this right now. Well anyway first step is to break up with Kurt. You obviously don't like the guy anyway so why waste your time?" He spoke as he pointed out the first paragraph which simply said for me to break up with Kurt and underneath had multiple reasons why I should.

           "That is true but, doing so will anger Heather. Then she'll fuck with me which might affect our privilege to fuck with her. Thus ruining your entire... scheme." I said.

           "My scheme? Ms. Sawyer you do have a huge part in this too, you realize that yes?" He said with smug drooling from his voice. I shuddered and leaned back against the headboard of my bed.

          "Yes. Yes. Point being if I do break up with Kurt it will make Heather upset. How exactly do we avoid that?"

          J.D. looked at me, eyes filled with disbelief. "We don't." He scoffed. "Veronica, this isn't a plan to make Heather feel superior and correct. This whole plan is to make her pissed! Furious! Agitated! We have to push her buttons till her battery dies. Don't you get it?"

          "Heather isn't an idiot Jason. What if I get hurt along the way?" I mumbled.

          He furrowed his brows. "You won't." I shuddered again but, this time trying to hide it. Probably failing. "I'm on your side now. If Heather does anything to mess with you, we'll hit her back twice as hard. We can't let her win in this stupid game she's created."

          "Who's to say?"

          "We are. The second Heather Chandler is thrown off her throne her minions will fucking scatter, having no where to go. They'll be weak."

"What about Kurt and Ram? They aren't exactly Heather's minions. Sure, she has the power to control them and trust me she takes far too much advantage of that but, even with her gone they will still pick on people and make everyone's life miserable."

J.D. let out a low laugh. "Ms. Sawyer must you keep pointing out all the negative things in this plan?" I shrugged in response. "Listen, the difference between Kurt and Ram to Heather is huge. Heather has the power to control almost everybody and everything. Kurt and Ram are too busy sucking each other's dicks to even attempt to do what Heather does."

"Okay half of what you said is true. Kurt and Ram are the straightest people in the school."

"Oh come on. I bet they've tried to get off from each other at least once." He said and I gagged.

"Moving on... How exactly do we dethrone Heather? I know you said fuck with her but, how exactly?"

J.D. looked back at his paper and folded it to only show the second step. "Heather was your best friend right?" I nodded hesitantly. "So she's told you some deep secrets before, correct? First thing we do is spread those. Then we have to turn Kurt and Ram against her. Although Heather is now superior to them, she did get a huge chunk of her power from them. Turning them against her will make majority of the school turn against her too. Not enough for her to leave or anything like that but just enough for us to scratch the ice." His eyes drifted back to me. I stared at him in disbelief.

"How the hell did you plan all this out in the morning? Sweet Jesus. Okay okay so we stripped Heather from some of her power what would be next on the list?"

"Still haven't planned that out but, it'd probably be just little things to fuck with her. You know irritate her, embarrass her, and everything in between." He said as he slid off the bed. He walked over to the window and sat on it, his legs dangling outside.

"Leaving so soon?" I asked as I stretched my arms up and yawning immediately after.

"No... just watching the sunrise." I looked over to my clock and realized it was 4:40 am. Did J.D even sleep last night? I turned back to him felt myself relax watching his back and his hands holding on tight to the window so he wouldn't fall.

We sat like this for about 10 minutes when he broke the silence. "I never apologized." He said.

"Apologize? For what?" I sat up and he flipped on leg into the room and leaned his back on the side of the window. It was an extremely strange position and I was a bit fearful that he would fall.

"For reacting how I did when you kissed me." I froze. I thought we were over that I definitely didn't want to talk about that. I wanted him to just forget about it. "It's not that I don't feel the same way." My breath hitched and he kept talking not noticing how tense I had become. "Well maybe I don't know. I feel different when I'm around you I don't exactly know what it means and how to express it. I've never really even had a friend before you know." He chuckled and rubbed his eyes. "It's weird. My mother died when I was young leaving me with father who after her death only knew how to express his love for his son with... hatred. When you kissed me I didn't know how to react. I mean I never even really saw my parents acting affectionate towards each other when I was growing up." He looked towards me and I looked away not wanting to make eye contact. He sighed, "I also don't think in the nearby future we wouldn't be together. I definitely can see that happening but, not now. Not when I can't or don't know how to return your feelings."

I let out a shaky breath wanting to say something but felt nothing coming out my mouth. He noticed and climbed back into the room. He sat on the end of my bed and looked at me. I still refused to make eye contact.

"How about you and I make a deal? We keep this friend thing going on for a few more months possibly years. Once I get all my jumbled up emotions controlled we can... try. You know. If you want of course."

I looked back at him and smiled. "Yeah... As long as you're comfortable."

He sighed and threw himself back on the bed. "Oh Ms. Sawyer with you I am always comfortable."

Beautiful (Jd x Veronica) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now