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this is most likely after Daruk gives Link Daruks Protection and everything


Link gave Daruk a forced smile, trying to distract him from the tears in his eyes. Link barely even remembered the Goron, but looking at him gave Link such a strong wave of sadness that he could barely talk around the lump in his throat.

"You okay, little guy?" Daruk asked, walking or floating or whatever over to Link, putting his hand on his shoulder. It was meant to just be on his shoulder, but it really just covered the entire upper half of Links back. It was cold. Just like Miphas hand and lips had been before.

Daruk waited patiently for Link to respond, because he was just that kind of guy. Link just shook his head, biting his lip.

"Whats wrong?" Daruk was concerned now, if he wasn't before, and when Link dared to glance up, he even looked concerned. Link took a moment to get it together, rubbing his eyes and looking at Daruk.

"Nothing, its fine." Daruk didn't look like he believed Link, but he didn't say anything.

"Alright. I'm gonna go position Rudania for our kick-Ganons-ass plan, see ya later!" Link got teleported or.. whatever it was, off of the Rudania. He watched Rudania be positioned to shoot Ganon, looking away and heading back to Goron City before his emotions could get the better of him.


oops, I made this longer than I had originally intended, I also might edit Miphas a little to match the length and sadness of this one but idk I gotta look at it first

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