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you know the drill, after he gave link revalis gale

Link turned to look at Revali, blinking away his tears. Or trying, at least. Revali hadn't seemed to notice, patting down a feather or two. When he actually noticed, Revali looked confused. Link felt the same wave of sadness looking at Revali as he had with Mipha and Daruk. He looked away from Revali, rubbing his eyes.

"Are you.. crying?" Revali asked, making Link look over at Revali in surprise. He thought he had concealed it well, he must not have if Revali had noticed.

"Yes.." He whispered out, hoarsely, waiting for Revali to tell him to get over it and get a move on. Instead, Link got a hug. He gasped quietly at how cold Revali was. Link wrapped his arms around Revalis shoulders, putting his face into his shoulder. Revali was surprisingly solid for a ghost, but cold. Like how Mipha and Daruk had been.

"Don't cry over any of us.. We accepted that we're all dead a long time ago." Revali put a hand (wing??) on the back of Links head, patting his back with it and pulling away. Link brought his hands back down to his sides.

"Just kick Ganons ass for all of us, alright?" Revali said, softly, backing away and Link was teleported off the Vah Medoh. He watched it position itself to shoot Ganon, rubbing at his eyes again and turning back towards the Rito town.

I'm considering Zelda after Riju, should I put Zelda in or nah?

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