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alright this is where the Roman numerals start getting complicated rip me but ya know this is after she gives link Urbosas fury and all that

Link didn't really want Urbosa of all people to see him in a saddened state, like he was now, but he couldn't help it. Link turned his face away from Urbosa, ignoring the concerned look she gave him out of the corner of his eye. He was trying to ignore the sad wave he got just from looking at Urbosa, like the rest of the Champions.

He hadn't heard her shoes clicking against the floor of Vah Naboris until Urbosa had grabbed Links face, surprisingly gently, making him look up at her. Her hand was cold, just as the rest of the Champions had been. Link blinked a little, ignoring the tears in his eyes and biting his lip. Urbosa sighed, making Link think she was just gonna walk away. Instead, Urbosa wiped a tear away that had trailed down Links face and hugged him. Link gasped quietly, mostly because she was cold (the coldness was welcomed, it was hot as hell in the desert), and because she had hugged him.

Urbosa had only ever showed this kind of gentle, motherly-ness to Zelda. Link had seen it before in some of his memories.

"Don't get upset about us, Link. Don't let Zelda get upset about it either. It was neither of your faults." She said, stroking his hair a little. Link just whispered back an 'okay', making Urbosa let go of him and Link being taken off of Vah Naboris. He landed in front of, near, Gerudo Town, watching Vah Naboris position itself to shoot Calamity Ganon. Link tried to blink the tears out of his eyes, turning away and facing Gerudo Town.
wow this was longer than I expected whoopsie
Sidon is next, Link is gonna completely break with him okay

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