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hi I don't have a consistent update schedule and, like most on here, is still in school alright lets gooooo this is gonna be after the Daruk chapter took place yeeee


Link leaned on a railing overlooking the Goron City, blinking a little to try and calm down. From what he had seen of Yunobo, he seemed very happy. Probably happy to finally get the weight of Vah Rudania off his shoulders. Link looked in the direction of where he had to go next, towards the Hebra Mountains and Gerudo Desert.

He had felt a little better about Mipha after his.. breakdown with Sidon, and he had even gone to the celebration after. Link still held a fair amount of guilt about the other champions, Sidon having helped sooth his guilt towards Mipha. He closed his eyes. Link jumped when a hand touched his back, twisting around on his heel quickly to face whoever it was who had touched him.

It was just Yunobo.

"I know its probably none of my business, but you seem upset." Yunobo said, taking his hand off of Links back and putting it at his side. Link blinked up at him for a moment, wondering if he was really that obvious about Daruk.

Yunobo leaned against the railing, next to Link. He looked down, looking back up at Link.

"I saw him." He said, looking out. "I saw Daruk. It was so cool! He had this blue glow around him but he seemed happy." Yunobo looked over at Link, who was currently covering the bottom half of his face.

"Really now?" Link asked, trying to ignore the shakiness in his voice. He glanced over at Yunobo, who was giving him a concerned look. Yunobo frowned a little.

"Are you okay? You never answered-" Yunobo was stopped by Links quiet little sob. He looked at Link in surprise, this was someone he probably thought he'd never see cry but here it was. Link covered the bottom half of his face, closing his eyes so he didn't have to look at Yunobo. He didn't notice Yunobos struggle to try and hug him before Yunobo hugged Link against his chest. Link hugged Yunobo in response, but Link couldn't get his arms around Yunobo.

He quietly cried, Yunobo just rubbing his back with a hand and using his other hand to hold Links head gently. He got his shit together after a few minutes, maybe a lot but he couldn't tell. Link leaned back from Yunobo, letting his arms drop to his sides. Yunobo let go of Link.

"Sorry.." Link responded, hoarsely, not looking at Yunobo.

"Was that about Daruk?"

Link just nodded, looking down. "Its my fault he died, I couldn't-" He was cut off by Yunobo grabbing both his hands in his much larger hands.

"Its not your fault, it was that.. thing, swirling around Hyrule Castle." Yunobo let go of Links hands, stepping back. "It was never your fault."


well... its longer than the Sidon chapter I'm afraid ive outdone myself rip me idk if I did Yunobos character correctly but oh well that's okay

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