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wow okay let's try to not make this one longer than the rest okay

Link sat on the ledge of the stairs near Rijus room in the Gerudo Palace, fanning himself with his hand a little. It was hot, even with the Gerudo clothes. He didn't understand how the Gerudo weren't hot, or any of the other races. He understood the Gorons, yeah, but the Rito woman outside the Palace? The other Hylians in the town? He didn't understand how they weren't burning up.

"That's not a good idea, you know. Once you stop, you'll just be even hotter." He heard Riju say, jumping and turning to face her. Link hadn't heard her walk over. Riju was tiny, even tinier than Link was. She got up on the ledge next to him, which made him nervous.

"Don't fall off.." He said, softer than he normally would speak so the guards wouldn't hear him and throw him out.

Riju laughed, swinging her legs around. "Don't worry, I won't. I used to be up here all the time when I was younger." She responded, looking out at her people. Link watched her for a moment, looking away after a moment.

"You knew Urbosa, didn't you?" Riju asked, making Link look over at her. He didn't really want to talk about Urbosa, since he was finally, finally, starting to feel less guilty with what had happened to her and the rest of the champions. Sidon, Yunobo, and Teba had helped. Teba hadn't even said anything about Revali, but he still felt better about it from just finally crying about it.

"I did, why do you ask?"

"What was she like? My mother said she was a kind and fierce leader."

From what Link remembered of Urbosa and from his interacts with her spirit, she seemed to be those things. "She was.. motherly, I suppose. I never saw the motherly instinct towards anyone but Zelda, though." Riju hummed in response, looking down at her hands.

"When I met her on Naboris, she was just as you described. She was the no nonsense type, I guess.. I don't.. I don't remember much of her, if I'm gonna be honest." Link had looked down at his lap, rubbing his hand with his thumb. He felt his eyes water, making him bring a hand up to rub them. He didn't want to show Riju how much this was really affecting him.

Riju seemed to see through it, though, putting a hand on his shoulder and making him face her. She didn't say anything, pulling him against her shoulder. Link closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around Riju gently so he didn't hurt her and biting back a sob. Riju putting her cheek against his hair and running a hand through his hair was what broke him. He didn't even know why. Link sobbed into her shoulder, quietly, just letting it all out. He managed to calm down enough at one point to hear Riju humming softly. Link was content to sit and listen to Riju hum, but she was shoving a glass of water in his face when she noticed he stopped.

Link took it, drinking the water and slowly letting go of Riju and going back to how he was originally sitting. Riju didn't say anything for a moment, which Link was fine with.

"I don't think any of them would be mad at you. You encountered every one of them in each of their Divine Beasts, yes?" Link nodded, since he was drinking water. "Did they show any sign of being angry?" Link just thought about it for a moment. If Mipha had been mad at anyone, it was Ganon. Daruk wasn't mad, Link had gotten a hug from Revali and Urbosa didn't seem angry. He shook his head.

"Then don't worry about it, there's no reason to be upset."

wow I finished the story woo wee someone get me an award, jk lol, this is the end, unless there's enough demand for a Zelda chapter
I might do a Sidlink fanfic in the future so you can expect more botw fanfics from me

alright Eve's out, byeeeeee

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