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hi links gonna have a hard time in this one okay, even though this is chapter 5, and Miphas is chapter 1, this is gonna take place a little bit after Miphas chapter had occurred, and that'll be the same with the rest of the champions and the 'new' champions


Link sat in one of the more secluded areas of Zora's Domain, looking around the domain. It was really pretty, especially at night when all the luminous stones they had in the structures of the domain glowed. He debated getting up, but just decided to stay. It took his mind off of what had recently happened in the Vah Ruta. Locked and loaded, ready to shoot Calamity Ganon when he got there.

"Link!" He heard, turning his head to the source of the call. It was Sidon, running over. He stopped when he got over to Link, panting a little. "I've been looking all of for you, we're having a celebration for you!"

Link smiled up a little at Sidon. "You guys can do it without me," He paused for a moment, "I.. I don't deserve it." Sidon frowned, sitting down next to Link and letting his legs hang off.

"Well, of course you do. You saved us from Vah Rutas rains!" Sidon said, watching Link. Link swallowed a little around the lump starting to form in his throat.

"Do you ever.. think about your sister?" He asked quietly, looking down at his lap. Sidon didn't respond for a moment, which made Link look over at him.

"Yes, everyday.. Why?"

"Her spirit was trapped in Vah Ruta for 100 y-years because I wasn't able to defeat Calamity Ganon.." Link managed to get out, looking down again and not looking at Sidon. Sidon didn't say anything, instead pulling Link into a hug. That was all he needed. Link put his face against Sidons shoulder, clinging to him tightly and sobbing quietly. Sidon put a hand on the back of Links head, running a hand through his hair and was careful not to scratch him with a claw.

They remained like that for a few minutes, until Link inhaled and exhaled shakily and let go of Sidon and slowly moved away from him. Sidon kept a hand on the side of Links neck and another on his face, smiling gently. He wiped a tear away that had strayed away from Links eyelashes.

"Sorry.." Link mumbled, wiping his nose.

"Its alright, we all have our moments." Sidon let go of Links face when he was sure he had stopped, gently rubbing his shoulder. "I don't think anyone is mad at you for not being able to defeat the Calamity, and Mipha certainly wouldn't be." He stood, holding a hand out to Link. He looked at Sidons hand for a moment, before grabbing it and Sidon pulling him up effortlessly.

"Come now, we have a celebration to go to!"


this uh, this came out longer than I expected it to, its 400+ words

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