Chapter One

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"I can't believe you're making me do this," Dan grumbles from the back seat of his mums old car as it rumbles down the lonely road and through the dull, boring town that Dan supposes he would now be calling local. It makes a big difference from that of the usual city of London that he grew up in. "I cannot actually believe you're doing this." 

"It's been a long time coming for you, young man," Dan's step-father's voice fills the small car, which he has always hated ("I cannot be caught dead in that! Look at it, it's falling apart!" He had complained that morning, but refused to take Dan in his own car, or even buy another one, considering how much money he has). If it wasn't for him, Dan wouldn't even be going to this stupid school in the first place. He'd be going to his usual school, where he had friends, where he was happy. "You need this." 

"I don't need anything. I don't need you telling my mum what she should and shouldn't do- like send me to this bastard boarding school!" The stubborn teenager has never been one to cause arguments or to get in the way of other people. In fact, he was often described as a passive individual with a routine life and usual family. This was until his step-father, someone who hates children, came on the scene and royally fucked up the young Smith's life.

"Language, Daniel!" His mum hisses, watching her son in the rear-view mirror. There is something in her eyes that Dan can't quite make out- anger? Upset? Something like that. She didn't say a word about Dan going to this stupid boarding school, so he's not sure how she is feeling. "B-besides, your f-father-" 

"He is not my dad." 

"-is right. You do need this. You've been so... So... Unruly? Lately. You've not listened to what he has said to you." She tells Dan as the large school rolls over the hill, it's large buildings easily towering everything around it. Dan didn't expect it to be like that. 

"That's because he's so full of himself I'm surprised he hasn't tried to name the dog after himself. He wants what is best for him- he probably doesn't even love you. God knows why he's even here, Mr bloody money bags yet he marries into our family. The family that have one car that's on its last legs! He probably did it because there is nobody else out there who will love him!" 

Dan knows his words annoy this couple to an unexplainable extent, but he doesn't care enough to stop himself. They have done this, so he doesn't care how much he annoys them now.

"Daniel! That is enough!" 

"It's nothing like that, you brat! I lo-" 


"Ah, you must be the new Smith boy. Correct?" The head of the school stands before Dan, his black hair starting to grey around the sides. He wears a dark suit that snugly fits his body and a frame that demands respect upon arrival. His dark skin is beginning to wrinkle, his eyes shining with years of experience. He reminds Dan strangely of a teacher at his old school- intimidating, but still friendly.

"Yes, Sir. Though I prefer to be called Dan." Dan's voice is quiet compared to that of the head, although he still presents himself as equally as confident. Dan doesn't want to come across as vulnerable at all, that's how you make yourself the victim. 

"Well, Dan. Welcome to Foxhill Academy. My name is Mr Chambers, and this is Wi- oh for the love of God. WILLIAM!" Mr Chamber's voice cuts through the air like a hot knife through butter, making Dan jump.  

"Yes, Sir?" A teenage boy in a red vest jumper over a white shirt walks around the corner, confidence pouring from every pore of his body. 

"Don't wonder off like that if I tell you to stay here! That defeats the whole objective of telling you to stay in the first place." The headmaster shakes his head, frowning.

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