Chapter Twenty

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The first few days at Woody's house had been full of adventures. Since he lived by the coast, they spent a lot of the time exploring the coast and swimming in the sea. Woody and Charlie, of course, had been planning several pranks (none of which involved any chance of losing any limbs), and it often resulted in either Dan or (sometimes and) Kyle finding themselves in an awkward predicament. 

Today, on the first Thursday of half time, they have decided to explore a little bay they found that even Woody hadn't seen before. It looked pretty abandoned, so the group decided to head down there. 

"To say we're in the UK, this looks really nice," Charlie grins as they make their way across the sand and towards the water. Kyle and Dan are at the back of the group, holding hands but walking in silence. They love how close together they can be now.

"Well, we are in Plymouth, so that answers everything," Woody beams with pride at his home county, somewhere he's always loved. "Anyway, I'm going in the water. Anyone else?" 

Charlie immediately takes him up on the offer, and so does Will. They sprint down the beach after Charlie challenges them to a race, but Dan and Kyle stay on the warm sand, just sitting with each other.

"This is great," Kyle says to Dan, resting his head on his shoulder. Dan's hair has gone sea curly, and Kyle thinks he looks adorable. "I'm having such a good time." 

"What did you used to do during half term?" Dan questions, staring out at the other three as they dive into the ocean. He has always been curious about the other boy and what his home life is like.

"Nothing," he shrugs. "Went home. Stayed in my room, didn't speak to anyone. Went back as if I'd never actually left." Kyle doesn't really care much about his family, in the same way that they don't care about him.

"Why?" Dan puts his hand into Kyle's and squeezes it, savouring every moment they spend together. There is nothing he loves more than being with Kyle, and he'll tell anyone. 

"Well, we just don't care about each other. The only reason I'm here is because, well, I found it hard to open up to any of them. They saw this as a weakness and decided this would fix me. I don't know what they wanted to fix, but... I'm not too bothered about ever seeing them again, so..." This story is opposite to that he usually tells his other friends. To them, he had a great time. He went to theme parks, his existed in a fantasy he wished, at the time, was a reality. But now? Now he has Dan. 

Dan doesn't quite know how to reply to this, but he wraps his arm around Kyle, kissing the top of his head. "I'm sorry to hear that," he says, "I'm glad we're here now, though. Together." 

"So am I," Kyle smiles, his cheeks going red as he feels Dan's lips linger around his forehead. He loves him more than anyone in the world. "What are your family like?" 

"They were great. Honestly,  I couldn't flaw them at all. We did everything together- my dad and I got on great, but when he left, it all went to pot. My step dad came along and we fought all the time. He found here and gave my mum the choice: it's either me who leaves or him. Of course, my mum didn't choose me, so..." Dan's frown turns into a smile when he looks at Kyle, moving so they're both lying down. "But I'm petty as fuck so I'm not going back." 

Silence descends upon them as they just lounge around with each other, planting kisses on random patches of exposed skin (which, considering they're both shirtless, is pretty easy), and just holding each other.

"You two are so gay it's adorable." Charlie giggles as he approaches the pair. "Anyway, Woody wants to know, because he's too lazy to come and ask you himself, if you're coming in the water or if you're just gonna be boring and stay there all day?" 

Kyle and Dan look at each other and nod. "Only if we can race you," 

The positions have swapped now- Will, Woody, and Charlie are on the beach, whereas Dan and Kyle are messing around splashing each other in the water. 

They find themselves submerged in the water, both of them holding their breath and just holding each other. Dan's hands are on Kyle's shoulders, and Kyle's hands are on Dan's hips. Kyle moves closer to Dan, moving his hands up to his cheeks and planting a long, passionate kiss on his lips. He wishes there were thousands of ways for him to tell Dan he loves him, but he knows Dan knows anyway.

But Dan pushes him away with a picture of horror on his face. Seaweed has just touched his foot.

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