Chapter Twenty Four

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The singer bites his lip to stifle a moan that has been building inside of him as Kyle moves inside of him, gently biting his neck. The simple actions sends the boy off to a far land where there is no one to worry about, no one at school being dickheads, and to a place where they live together in a small house.

"I love you so much," Kyle sighs into his ear, sending chills down Dan's spine. He feels so in awe of the boy at this moment that he's just the way he is that Kyle felt the need to tell him so. "You're amazing." 

Dan grins, a pleasure filled smile filling his face. "I love you too," he pants, squeezing his eyes shut. 

What has he done to deserve Kyle?

Kyle wonders what he's done to deserve Dan.

"You guys do realise, don't you?" Will says to the group the following afternoon as they sit in the grass. Kyle and Dan are messing around and throwing grass and sticks at each other, whereas Woody is doing his homework. Charlie is just lounging around, enjoying the sun.

"Realise what?" Woody mumbles, chewing on the end of his pen. The maths equations in front of him are ridiculous- and it doesn't help that he hates maths already.

"Exams are coming up," he waves the exam time table in the air, but none of the others seem to be paying much attention to it.


"Well... We leave after our exams." His tone is low, and even though they aren't fully listening, it still grabs the attention of the boys- especially Dan and Kyle, who both stop messing around quickly. "And that means, what, you'll be going to Plymouth, Kyle and Dan will be going back to their families, and I'll..."

He doesn't know what will happen to him. He'll turn eighteen- he'll be out of the government's hands and into his own. It'll be his job to worry, now, and that scares him. He has nowhere to go.

"I don't wanna go home," Kyle groans, throwing his head back. "God, I'm gonna move out straight away." He wishes there was a way that there was a way they could stay together, as a group. He wishes they didn't have to separate like this.

But... He doesn't want to leave Dan. Kyle will have to go back to his house on the outskirts of London, and Dan...? Where does Dan even live? The thought of them not being together kills the boy a little bit.

"What's going to happen to you?" Kyle asks quietly, so only he and Will can hear. Will just shrugs. "Is there... Is there nobody?"

He shakes his head. "No one. I'll... I have no idea."

"Do you not have, like, a social worker or anything you can talk to?" He asks, "Someone who can at least help you."

"She doesn't come anymore." Panic begins to build inside of him, but there is an underlying tone of annoyance. Why had nobody spoken to him about this sooner? "Oh God, what am I going to do?"

"Can't you speak to Mr Chambers?" He asks as Woody throws his pen at Charlie, complaining about the problem on the paper in front of him. Will scoffs.

"Yeah, after last time?" He asks, shaking his head. "I'm completely stuck."

"Come on, we'll go and talk to him now," Kyle says, standing up. "We'll be back in a minute, guys."

The two of them appear in Mr Chambers' office, much to the frustration of the man. He never wanted to lash out at Will like that, but if Charlie had lost his entire hand, possibly his life, the school would have been shut down. He couldn't believe that Will, the kid in the school he trusted the most, just stood there and let it happen.

But now Will has a look of fear on his face and tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks the boy, immediately going a bit soft. In all honesty, since the boy had turned up here all those years ago with a sob story to melt the hardest of people, he had taken him under his wing. He loves the boy, even if he doesn't admit it often. To him, Will is like a son of his own, but it doesn't come across like that half the time.

"We're leaving soon," the tall boy stood next to Will says, the boy that had become mouthy with him.

"Yeah?" Nobody had ever cried over leaving Foxhill Academy before...

"Where am I going to go?" Will then asks, his voice weak and quiet. "I can't go back home. I won't have a home..."

Homeless? Would Will become homeless? The head shakes his head, ridding the thought of the boy- even though he is much older now, Chambers still sees the little boy in front of him, his innocence ripped from him. He wouldn't let him become homeless...

"Well... Uh..." The head is at a loss for words. He doesn't know how he can help. "Can none of your friends help you?"

Will shakes his head, "I'm sick of being a charity case, Sir. All my life I've had people feeling sorry for me- I've not had the chance to do something off my own back. I've never had independence..."

"We'll move in together!" Dan tells Kyle enthusiastically when they get a little bit of privacy. "We can live together. Near Charlie and Woody. And we can ask Will if he wants to live with us!"

Kyle shakes his head, "He doesn't want that. He doesn't want to be a 'charity case' as he calls it..."

The whole conversation had drawn Kyle to tears. In his eyes, Will had been a somewhat authoritative figure, and yet, there he stood, weak, defeated.

"Even for a little bit? He has nowhere..."

"We can ask him," Kyle says, squeezing Dan's hand. "Can't guarantee he'll say yes."

"I hope he does," Dan says, taking a small step towards Kyle and taking his other hand.

"Me too," Kyle replies, kissing the boy. God, he loves Dan.

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