Chapter Ten

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The other three boys roar with laughter as they sit, gathered in Charlie's bedroom. Will and Dan are sat on his bed whereas Charlie and Woody sit on a makeshift sofa. Will and Dan shouldn't be there, but they snuck in regardless. 

"I just can't believe you did that!" Woody has tears forming in his eyes from laughing, "I mean, I know I wanted you to get together and everything, but on the first night? Damn, Smith. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed. " 

Dan feels his cheeks warm with the all too familiar red rush, something he has been feeling a lot recently. The exchange of the jumpers had been quite strange- Dan walked back into his room in a flurry to find his own, to see it sat just beneath his window (he still wonders how people climb up to his window. It doesn't look easy), and had returned Kyle's by putting it in his regular seat in the diner as he 'went to the  toilet' during lesson.

"So, did you go all the way?" Charlie raises his eyebrows at the other boy, winking at him. Part of Dan wishes he could just disappear, hide away from the world so he doesn't have to answer the question.

"No we just talked for a little bit, and then just decided to swap jumpers just for the sake of it..." Dan rolls his eyes, making the other two laugh. Charlie just sticks his tongue out, shaking his head. 

"Alright, alright, Funny Man. Just tell me: Who topped?" 

"Alright, that's enough questions from Charlie," Woody frowns shaking his head.

"Definitely Dan," Will mumbles.

Kyle is playing basketball when someone brings Dan up. He hadn't been able to take the boy off of his mind since he got back to his own dorm (and, realised in pure horror, it wasn't his green jumper he held in his hands). Everything about the boy is just beautiful- his eyes, his hair, his entire body. Kyle never thought such perfection could be real.

"Yeah, the freak walked in with one of your lots jumpers on," one of the boys says, nodding in Kyle's direction. "He's such a weirdo." 

"You don't know him, it could have just been a mix-up. And that doesn't make him a freak." He tries to hide his anger, flushing cheeks, and embarrassed grin by looking at the floor. He had hoped that Dan would realise that Kyle had mistakenly taken the wrong jumper.

"Well, he's a weirdo anyway," the other boy shrugs as he shoots at the net, and misses. Kyle takes the ball. "He must have gotten that from somewhere, though, don't you think?" 

"Hey, you don't know what happened for him to get that jumper, so I don't really think you should judge." The anger is beginning to show in Kyle's voice, and he doesn't stop himself. "Seriously, get your head out your arse and fuck off," he throws the ball at the other boy, and it bounces once on the floor before he catches it.

"What's your fucking problem, Man?" The other boy demands, finally catching the attention of the rest of the team. "Was it your fuckin' jumper or something, huh?" 

The two boys are stood chest to chest. The other boy is slightly shorter than Kyle, but is probably much stronger than him.

"I didn't say that, did I? I wouldn't fuck him, anyway. I'm not like you who would stick his dick in anything that moves," Kyle shoves the other boy away, and one of their teammates separates them. The only reason Kyle made the comment is because of an unfortunate incident with a ram that Kyle joked was because of the fact the boy was from Derby. They fell out because of that.

"Guys, come on. Calm down," their team-mate says, pushing the pair even further away from each other, "Both of you go and sit over there, take five minutes to calm down and then come and play when you're not being two little fucking kids." 

The two boys find themselves back behind the shop at about five. Their faces are planted on each others again and there is nothing in the world that could ever pull them apart. They are two teenagers in love and if anyone wants to question it, they can...

But Kyle is worried. He's worried because he loves Dan- of course he does- but he can't. He got quizzed in the changing room whether or not it was his jumper since nobody saw him this morning and it was left on his chair in the diner ("I lost mine," he had told them, "It's not a big deal. It's a coincidence- and I told you, I wouldn't ever go out with him!") But he was lying. He was lying, and he hates the fact he's lying. Saying that, there's a lot of things that Kyle hates nowadays.

"I love you, Kyle," Dan pants between sloppy kisses, before moving onto the boys neck and leaving a mark. "I love you so much." 

Kyle just hums- he doesn't want to say those words again, he doesn't want to dig himself a deeper hole than he's already in. But he does love Dan, he really does, and he doesn't want him to think otherwise.

But there's two paths he wants and he can only walk one. 

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