Chapter Nineteen

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When Kyle and Dan make it back to Dan's dorm, in fits of giggles and soaking wet with rain. Dan's hair hangs over his forehead and a bit over his eyes, and the sight of him, like an adorable wet puppy, makes Kyle fall deeper in love with him. Everything about him is a work of art as if God himself had stood there and sculptured him.

As they walk back inside, back into the heated hallway with the creaking walls and stairs that sound as though they might collapse at any moment, there is a prefect waiting for them.

"Boys? You're a bit late back for curfew..." He tells them, raising his eyebrows suspiciously. Kyle isn't even supposed to be in that dorm... For a moment, both of their hearts stop beating.

"The bus broke down, and we didn't realise how late it was," Dan lies with an innocent smile on his face, "We got back as soon as we could, though. They told us that a replacement bus was coming, but by the time it would come it would be later than it is now, so we walked it." 

"Oh, yeah?" He says, crossing his arms. It's clear he doesn't believe their lie, but it's unlikely he'll challenge it. They can barely be bothered to do anything half the time.

"Yeah, we promise," he says, slicking his hair back. "I'm sorry we're this late-" 

"And what's he doing here? This isn't your dorm..." He glares at Kyle, who is like a deer in the headlights. 

"I-I... I wanted to make sure he got back okay." He goes with the first thing that comes to mind (well, the first thing that he wouldn't get in trouble for saying), and hopes for the best. "I didn't want to just ditch him, so..." 

"Well. He's here now, so off you go,"  the prefect says, gesturing to the door. "I'll pretend to believe your lies this once." 

Dan says goodbye to Kyle, and the prefect and his boyfriend leave. 

"That was close," a voice makes Dan scream when it comes from the darkness. He jumps about a foot in the air.

"Will! You scared the daylights out of me!" Dan says, his heart thumping. "I about had a heart attack..." 

Will laughs, "I'm sorry. I was waiting up for you in my room 'cause he quizzed me on where you were, but I said I didn't know. What were you two doing and why are you soaking?" He hesitates, "Wait, no... Don't answer that," 

"It's not that!" Dan laughs quietly, "We were just looking at planes, and it started raining. We stayed there for a bit cause we would have gotten soaked either way..." 

Will shrugs, winking. "I know what you two get up to," he says with a laugh.

"Oh God.." 

"Are you guys ready?" Woody's mum smiles sweetly at the boys as they gather in the car park of the school, backpacks packed. All they've bought is clothes since they can leave everything else here since all the doors are locked.

Most of the other kids couldn't wait to leave, so they all went yesterday, as soon as they could, so the car park isn't as full as it would usually be.

Charlie taps his pocket. "Actually," he says, "I think I've left something in my room. Mind if I go and get it?" He asks with a sweet, innocent smile. Mrs Wood nods, and Charlie drags Woody with him to go and get whatever he's left.

"Fucking Hell, your mum is well fit." He says with his eyebrows raised suggestively. Woody stops walking.

"That's so gross..." He says, scrunching his face up in disgust. Of all comments to come from Charlie, he definitely didn't expect that. "Please don't tell me that again..." 

Charlie just smiles, pulling the other boy along. "She is, though. I'm just being honest." 

"Sometimes it's better to lie..." 

Kyle and Dan sit in the far back of the people carrier, telling each other stupid jokes and crying in laughter, so much so that even Woody's mum asked them what they're laughing about (even though it was a stupid joke). For the first hour or so of the trip, they spent it sleeping (Kyle had his head resting on Dan's lap, Woody found that adorable).

"What did one cell say to its sister when she steps on its toe?" Dan giggles like a child, looking at Kyle with a cheesy grin on his face. Kyle just grins as he waits for the reply. "Mitosis." 

They burst into laughter, and Woody turns around. "That wasn't even funny." He frowns, rolling his eyes. Charlie, on the other hand, giggles at it.

"You lot are a bunch of children," Mrs Wood laughs, shaking her head as she smiles to herself, keeping her eyes on the road. 

"Just these two. They have a combined mental age of ten..." The drummer looks out the window at the passing fields and scenery. The boys are just happy to have left the boring school, and the crappy town.

"My maths tells me that I'm seven and you're three," Dan tells Kyle with a sweet smile, innocent despite the comment.

"Well, yeah. That's about right, to be fair." Kyle smiles, nodding. He puts his hand in Dan's.

"I tell you, Mother, they're children." 

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