Chapter Nine

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Dan couldn't bare the idea of putting up with the other three boys questioning him on what happened if he returned back to them in the park (not as if he would tell them, anyway. Kyle had left quite the mark on his collarbone), so he just went back to the school, shut the door, and refused to open it to anyone- especially Will when he knocked on the door. He doesn't know how they will react, but that's partly down to the fact that he doesn't know how he should react to all of this himself.

He wishes he knew what the Hell just happened. He wishes he knew how on earth he got from barely knowing the boy to suddenly having his lips on his own and a love bite on his neck. Everything about the situation is strange, and Dan isn't quite sure how comfortable he is with it. He still hardly knows 

There is a tapping at Dan's bedroom window which wakes him up. He doesn't know what time it is, or even what time he fell asleep, but he knows he should probably get up to see what is tapping at his window, even though he knows it's Woody and Charlie. He would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit scared regardless.

"Kyle, what the-" he whispers, cocking an eyebrow as he reaches his window, staring at the boy in disbelief, only to find himself being shushed.

"Shh!" Kyle hisses, putting his finger to his lips. "It took me long enough to get past that bloody prefect without him seeing me, so don't let him catch me now!" He rants and tries to push the window up even more so he can shimmy through it.

The other boy has a picture of confusion on his face. "How did you even know this was my room?" 

"Woody. Anyway, Dan- I really need to talk to you, so listen to me, okay? I love you! I love you and I hate that I love you because I know you barely know me and I know you won't like me because of my clique and how horrible they can be, but I love you more than anything, and all I want to do is to kiss you. It's so ridiculous and I know you won't like me, but I just want you to know that, even if you don't like me, I love you." 

Kyle's speech has a large effect on Dan- a larger one than Dan could have ever prepared himself for. He hates the fact that Kyle loves him because he loves him back all the same, but he doesn't know him that well at all. He can't find the words to speak- so he just takes Kyle's face in his hands and kisses him roughly. 

Kyle kisses him back just as hard, pushing him backwards against the wall. They share a lovely passionate moment, but Dan can't help himself, ignoring everything in his mind that screams as him not to do this, as he puts his hands up Kyle's top and feels the boy return the favour by putting his hands down Dan's trousers since he didn't get chance to take them off before he fell asleep. Dan just gives a shaky breath of permission in response.

"Dan, I love you," Kyle pants as he lies over Dan, his elbows supporting him as he puts his hands in his hair, his hot, heavy breaths heating the already hot room. They are staring at each other with such love in their eyes that the whole room screams love and passion. "I love you so much, Baby." 

Both of them share a picture of pleasure on their faces, their whole bodies overcome with a feeling they don't want to forget.  They never want this to end.

"I love you too, Kyle," Dan replies, biting his lip as Kyle shifts. Kyle has officially become his anchor that holds him down to this earth. 

"Promise me you're not lying?" Kyle pleads innocently, somehow vulnerable even though he currently holds the power and control over Dan. The other boy leans up and holds Kyle's face, bringing it slowly down to his own.

"I promise, Kyle. I promise you the world." 

Dan can't deny that he feels sore the following morning. He can feel the dull ache in his body but the love that radiates him is stronger. He wishes he didn't have to feel so insecure about being with Kyle, but for the time being, that doesn't matter.

He reaches blindly around for his clothes as he dresses, pulling his jumper over his head. There are two things on his mind: Kyle, and toast. He's really hungry and didn't eat anything yesterday evening, so he can't wait to eat. 

The cafeteria seems to quieten down as Dan walks into the diner, rubbing his eyes sleepily, yawning. He doesn't bother going to the line straight away as it's too long, so he decides to sit with Will, Woody, and Charlie. 

"I'm s'tired," Dan yawns as he sits, not noticing the silence of the room or the absence of Kyle for that matter. "And hungry," he reaches over and takes a piece of toast off of Charlie's plate, but the boy is staring at him, not bothering to stop him. "What? Why are you staring at me like that?" 

"Uh... Well..." Will starts, stopping midway through. "Your jumper." 

Dan looks down, noticing that the usual red of his jumper is replaced by that of the other boy's green jumper. 

His heart drops.

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