Chapter Twenty Seven

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Over the last week or so, since Kyle and Will were stood atop that building, Dan was able to sort out a job for when he finally leaves the school. Although he isn't necessarily looking forward to it, but he is looking forward to not being stuck here. Being able to have a life and be able to go other places, not just the town, would be great. His mum had also agreed that she would help pay rent for a few months for a new flat until he's successfully on his feet and able to pay it all himself.

"Come on!" He had attempted to encourage her, making his voice sound as cringy cheerful as it could get, "After sending me here, of all places, I think you could at least do this! Please?"

She had reluctantly agreed, saying that she would only pay for three full months (Dan decided to split this so he would also pay half so it would last for six months). Dan was overjoyed about that and also mentioned that his friend, Kyle, would be staying, and therefore could also help out. His mum just hummed.

"Don't you think old Willers has been really quiet lately?" Charlie questions the other three quietly as they eat dinner a few days later. For some reason, Will is late- though the boys suspect that this is because his teacher is the 'the bell is there for me, not for you' type. Kyle keeps quiet, deciding that it would be best for him not to join in.

Dan has his head buried in a book, one of his hands scribbling furiously away whilst the other one shovels food into his mouth. Undoubtedly, the other three are a bit jelous that they don't have that ability.

"He is a quiet person. Just let him get on with it, I guess," Woody shrugs, tapping his fingers against his glass. Much alike everyone else in the room, he cannot wait to be back home, back in his home with his family.

He has already applied for a few universities, but none of them have got back to him yet. His first choice is Plymouth (of course), although he's applied to East London as well, so he'll be close to his family and his friends, since Dan and Kyle's flat is in Greater London.

"Yeah, but he's been... You know, really quiet. All the time I've known him he's never been like this," Charlie pushes his food around on his plate, "It's concerning."

Dan and Kyle exchange a glance but say nothing. Kyle hasn't even told Dan about finding Will on the roof- he has feared for ages of losing Will. Overtime, the two have become good friends, even if Will didn't like Kyle in the first place.

"Don't be worried," Kyle comments, shaking his head. "I'm sure he's fine."

Kyle, Will, and Dan sit in Will's room, laughing about something or another that really wasn't that funny, but it was so stupid it was funny. The slight tension that was between Will and Kyle due to their previous rooftop experience (it hadn't been tension as such, but it had been awkward beyond words) has now drained away, and the pair are now as close as they were beforehand.

Will looks at them, smiling. "This is going to be so weird, not being here any more." He comments, watching the other two. When Kyle cocks an eyebrow at him in concern, he retraces his words, "At school, I mean."

Dan shakes his head, his hair, which is in desperate need of a cut, bouncing everywhere. "You know you're moving in with us. Stop being so concerned about all of this!"

"No, Dan..."

"I'm not taking no as an answer, okay? You have no where else to go, and besides, you're our best friend. It's not a burden, or whatever you think." He smiles at Will, but his words have an underlying tone of forcefulness.

"I'm not-"

"Saying no. You're not saying no at all. We're just being good friends," Kyle shakes his head, and rolls his eyes, "We're not taking no as an answer, okay?"

Will smiles, although the heavy weight of guilt sits on his shoulders, almost feeling as though it may drown him. "Okay..."

Dan and Kyle look at each other and grin, hands squeezing one another. Will and Kyle are just happy that Dan has finally took a break from revising.

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