Chapter Thirteen

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"So, you and Kyle, huh?" Will teases, smirking at Dan the following day. Dan just smiles,  feeling the familiar blush in his cheeks. He hates that he goes red so easily. "You're so in love with him, I'm pretty sure a blind man can see it." 

"I'm scared though, Will," the boy sighs, pulling a handful of grass out of the ground. "He told me his clique won't be happy about it." Dan wishes they could just be accepted for who they are, and who they love. But at this rate, it feels like it will never be like that.

"Well," Will shrugs, "Who has to find out? It's not their affairs if you go out with Kyle or anyone else. If they're his true friends, they'll support him with whatever gender he wants to go out with." 

"That's not it, though. They don't like me. They think I'm so freak or something, so they don't necessarily care that it's because he likes boys." The birds above them are singing and everything seems slightly fresher today, for some reason. Dan feels a little bit more optimistic.

Will, on the other hand, immediately feels angry with the boys. With Kyle. "Who gives a fuck what they think? Show them that you love him, fucking kiss him in the middle of the school for all I care, but don't put up with little cunts like that being dickheads," he rants, shaking his head. "If he loved you, he wouldn't even be worried. He'd try to reason with his friends..." 

Kyle sits in biology, waiting for the teacher to arrive and trying to stop himself from falling asleep. These lessons just get so boring and repetitive, even when the teacher comes in half way through the lesson. He has never been a fan of the subject anyway, honestly, he'd like it if he just had music all day with Dan. He's glad he can finally call the boy his boyfriend.

"Oi, Kyle. We've got a plan," one of his friends, Nathan, tells Kyle, leaning over to his desk. Kyle isn't sure how they became friends, or even if they had a choice about it in the first place. Either way, he doesn't like him. "We're planning on jumping Electric Head after school." 

"Don't you fucking dare touch him." Kyle hisses, glaring at the boy.  "I will personally kill you if you do." 

Nathan just laughs. "Alright, funny guy. Jokes over, now. You in or not?" 

"I'm being serious, Nath. Don't touch him." Kyle glares at the boy with eyes that radiate hatred and warning. He will kill everyone in this school if anyone lays a finger on Dan.

"God, what's up with you?" Nathan begins, but Kyle cuts him off.

"I'm just not a fucking bully like the rest of you. You don't have to be friends with someone to be a good fucking person and not beat the shit out of them," he hisses. "I would have at least expecting something better from you."

"Yeah, and what? Is it cause you've fucked him or somethin'?" 

"It doesn't matter if I have or haven't, that's none of your fucking business. Just stay the Hell away from him because if you guys hurt him, I'll kill all of you."

Will and Dan watch their other two friends from a distance as they fiddle with something that looks suspiciously like a firecracker in their hands.  Will can't help but feel concerned about them because, whilst they look harmless, if a fire cracker goes off in your hand, you can say goodbye to your entire hand.

"They're going to get hurt," he tells Dan, shaking his head. He feels slightly sick at the idea of either of them getting hurt. "Even if you tell them, they're like kids and they won't stop it." 

Dan just shrugs, watching the pair. They have come up with another 'fool proof' plan which involves sticking s firecracker in the door frame of the main entrance to the main school building. By doing this, it'll break the door. Apart from that, Will doesn't know what else will be achieved.

Charlie reaches up and jams the firecracker just above the hinge on the door, balancing it in a way so that it is trapped.

"We should stop them..." Dan mumbles, almost a whine. He knows this is going to go one of two ways.

"They wouldn't stop." Will replies, shrugging. He wishes they would listen. "Guys, you're going to get hurt."

"No we won't!" Charlie shouts back, shaking his head. Woody reaches up with a lighter to light it.

"At least stand away from it," Will says as the two scamper off and watch from a distance. Will and Dan watch it.

And watch it.

And watch it.

And nothing happens.

"Go and check it out," Charlie tells Woody, giving him a light shove in that direction. "See if you lit it up properly,"

"Do not go near it," Will tells them, suddenly feeling even worse at the idea that it hasn't worked at all which means it could go off when anyone is walking past. But Will's comments are ignored as the two debate more.

"You go," Woody tells Charlie, "You have thinner fingers than me,"

So Charlie goes. He walks over to the door, and, stood about two feet away from it, lifts his hand up to check it.

That's when it goes off.

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