Adopted by o2l!!

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Hello people! Writer Kenzie the author heeeere. It's my first story so don't judge me! Onto this seriously overwritten story!


My name is Melody. This story starts in a little orphanage in L.A. California called Little Sunshine's. Well guess what? THERE IS NOTHING SUNSHINY ABOUT THAT PLACE. If you ever saw the movie Annie just imagine that orphanage. If you haven't just imagine an old building filled with unwanted girls. Here's the story of how I met my amazing wonderful family!

I was in my room at Little Sunshine's orphanage. Just an average adoption day. I pulled on my black leggings and an oversized sweatshirt and my outfit would not be complete without my favorite beanie. "That beanie again?" my best friend Paige joked. "All day everyday!" I shouted back. We giggled and did each other's hair and waited for Mrs. Daniels (or Ms. Loner to us orphans) to line us up and give us rules. She said "don't talk unless asked and you WILL NOT tell anyone about the conditions. YOU UNDERSTAND?" "Yes Mrs. Daniels" we all said in unison. "Good now line up and wait for some poor person to see your stupid faces." she sneered before opening up the door and smiling at all the people wishing to adopt. "welcome! Please come in!" she said with a fake smile plastered on.

Connor's P.O.V.

The guys and I walked up to the dark shabby looking building. "What a dump" Kian remarked. "Yea this place is ratchet." Ricky agreed. We walked up the stone steps and were greeted by the grossest old lady ever. "Hello I'm Mrs.Daniels! What are you looking for today?" she said with an obviously fake smile."We want a girl about the age of 11-14. Brown hair, kinda tomboyish." I said. "Well I got some girls for you then! Please follow me to the meeting room. You get 3 minutes with each girl." Mrs. Daniels said. we followed her and stepped into a little room with chairs. We each sat down.

Melody's P.O.V

"Ok snots I need Melody, Becca, and Yaz." Mrs.Daniels said. Wow. Who would want someone like me? Becca went first. She came out with a smile. Then Yaz went in. She came out and said "good luck against me loser." I've always hated Yaz. I walked in and was greeted by 6 boys. "Hello!" One said. What do I do??? "Hi" I said back. they each introduced themselves. (If you don't know the members of o2l and are reading this go see a doctor). We had a little conversation and I told them how I liked penny boards, Arizona tea, computers, snapbacks, and beanies. They were all smiling when I left. I hoped that was a good sign.

Connors P.O.V

The first girl that came in was to girly. The second was a total jerk. The third was absolutely perfect!! Her long brown curly hair was gorgeous. She was medium sized but she looked underfed. She was 13. "I think we all know which one we want" I remarked. We all said in unison "Melody." Mrs. Daniels walked in. "So which do you want?" She inquired. Since I was going to be the official father I said "Melody." She looked startled. "You want her?" she said with a confused look. "yes please give me the papers." I said firmly. She sighed and said fine. I signed the papers and Mrs. Daniels went off to get Melody.

Melodys P.O.V

I was sure they had picked Becca. Who would want a tomboy like me? "Melody get your (not very nice word for butt) over to your room and pack. Take Paige." Mrs. Daniels said in a nasty tone. THEY HAD PICKED ME? Wow. I scurried to my room with Paige and only stopped to laugh at Yaz's surprised face. "I'm going to miss you" Paige said teary-eyes after we were done packing. "I'm gonna miss you too" I said with tears in my unnatural purple eyes. I was hurried out and I ended up in the car of my new family. We were home before I knew it. The house was amazing. I was taken up to my room by Connor. It was perfect. The walls were light blue with white polka dots. my bed was white and I had a white desk with a computer. "Welcome home Melster" Connor said. So I already had a stupid nickname. Funny thing is, I didn't mind it.

So don't judge me if this story isn't the best. I tried. I'm gonna continue I even if you don't like it cause I'm cool like that. I need to think if a cute nickname for you people who start reading. Aanyways I could really use ideas, support, and constructive criticism. Emphasize the CONSTRUCTIVE. No one likes a hater. C ya! -Kenzie Boo 😁

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