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Hello mah Boo bears! Kenzie here! Thank you so much for all the reads and comments! It makes me happy to see you enjoying my story. Aaanywho time for the new chapter!
Connor's P.O.V

My baby was gone. She wasn't dead but the Melody I knew was. She didn't remember me or anybody from the gang. I didn't want to eat or sleep. I hadn't uploaded a video for a while. I didn't care. All that mattered to me was my Melody coming back. Everyday I would go in to see if she remembered me and she never did. She could only remember up to a couple days before we adopted her. I was ready to kill Gloss and Victor. Not that I would really murder them but you get what I'm saying. I was absolutely devastated and nothing could help me. Not even Pre, Sam (his cats), or Starbucks. Ths had gotten bad.

Melody's P.O.V

The same man would come in everyday. He would ask if I remembered him at all. I would tell him no. I was actually starting to feel a liiiiiiiiiiiiitttttlllllleeee bit of rememberence but I didn't want to get his hopes up. It seemed like he really cared for me. No one had cared for me in a long time from what I remember. I tried everyday to remember the poor man. I tried so hard but it just wouldn't come.

Jc's P.O.V

"Come on Connor. Why don't you go home and get some rest? I'll stay here with her." I offered. I was sick of Connor being so sad. I just wanted to see him be his happy self. Of course no one was really themselves nowadays. The house just seemed...lifeless without our Melody. "No I'm staying here. I won't leave until she remembers. I can't leave. I love her too much." Connor firmly replied. "Fine. If you need anything just call me." I said. There was no use trying to get him to leave. He was too depressed. Melody was his life. This must be really tough on him considering she was his daughter and she didn't even know his name anymore. Heck, she didn't remember her last name. I left and just prayed to God that she would be better soon.

Melody's P.O.V

I woke up from my nap and saw that the man was gone. He must have went to the bathroom. I tried to remember him. I thought and thought. I dug deep into my memories. Come on Melody you can remember! You're not trying hard enough! Don't break his heart. Remember! a little voice inside of me said. I had never tried to remember this much. Nonetheless I kept digging. I concentrated so hard that my head started to hurt. Connor! Dad! I remember now!!!! I pressed a button on my nightstand. I had two buttons. One to call my legal guardian (Connor/dad) and one to call the nurses. I called Dad first since he had waited for so long. He came running into the room. "What is it Melster?" He asked me. "Dad" is the only thing I said. It's the only thing needed to say. Tears sprung in both of our eyes. Not sad tears. Tears of joy. It all came back to me. O2l, the guys, Andrea, Jenn, Youtube, being adopted, and....them. The ones who caused this. I hope they got in LOTS of trouble. I sat up from hugging Dad and I pressed the other button.

Connor's P.O.V

I was coming back from the bathroom. I always walked a little slower when my Melody was gone. I was considering just giving up and going home but all of a sudden I got a notification on my phone. I usually didn't check my phone but somehow fate had me check it. "Melody!" I shouted and ran through the halls. I arrived at her room and saw her sitting up with her hands on her head. "What is it Melster?" I asked. She probably just needed something. That's what I get for getting my hopes up. "Dad" she said quietly. She...she called me Dad. That means...she remembers!!! That simple word made joy sprng into my heart and tears spring into my eyes. We hugged for what seemed like forever even though it was only a few minutes. Eventually, she sat up and pressed the other button so the doctors and nurses couldsee what happened. They all came rushing in and asked her questions such as what she remembered and if she was making it up. She answered honestly and they said she could come back home the next day. You don't know how excited I was to see my daughter well again.
Yaaaaaay she's ok again! I hope you all like the book! If you do, I would really appreciate a vote, comment, or if you just shared it with a friend. I love all my Boo Bears! Peace out cub scout. Byeeee -Kenzie Boo 😁

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