At Vidcon

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Hey my Boo Bears! Sorry I haven't updated. I was busy. Thank you for so many reads! I honestly didn't expect that many! Aaaaanyways here's your chapter!
Melody's P.O.V

Wooooooh. Chicago! We landed at 12:00 in the afternoon and went straight to our hotel. It was awesome! It was a huge white building with double, glass, doors. The lobby was nicely decorated and the lady at the front desk was really pleasant to talk to. Since there were eight of us (Melody, Connor, Ricky, Jc, Trevor, Sam, Kian, and Andrea) we had two rooms. Me, Andrea, Connor, and Kian slept in room 414 and Ricky, Jc, Sam, and Trevor were in 415. The rooms had two beds each so I was going to sleep with Connor (Not in the dirty way. Get yo mind out of the gutter) and Andrea was going to sleep with Kian. Since the first day of Vidcon was tomorrow, we all got to relax and hang out today. "Oh no! I forgot my swimsuit!" I shouted. The pool here was amazing. It was huge with water slides and everything. Why did I have to be so stupid?? "Don't worry! I'll take you to get one!" Andrea yelled happily. She seemed really happy to spend time with me. I was glad because she was really the only girl figure I had in my family right now. "Ok. But you have to find me a cute one!" I jokingly commanded. "Aye aye captain!" She answered. We both knew where this was going. "I can't here youuuuu" I said in a low voice. "AYE AYE CAPTAIN!" she screamed. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOmg what are we doing" I gasped trying to get some breath from laughing so hard. Andrea waas laughing so hard that she ended up on the floor. I guess we had too much sugar. Kian and Connor were just facepalming and laughing. After that happened we went to a store that had clothes and tried to find a swimsuit. We looked until I heard Andrea gasp. "What?" I inquired. "! GO TRY IT ON!" she said while thrusting a swimsuit in my face. I didn't get a chance to actually see what it looked like before I was pushed into a changing room. (Yes I know you're not supposed to really try on swimsuits but she had undergarments on with it so don't think she's some weird person.) I looked at it without it all up in my grill (yes I said that. JUDGE ME) and it was pretty cute. The only thing I didn't like is that it showed my stomach. I hated the way I looked, especially my stomach. Of course it was a bikini. It was galaxy patterned which I liked but I just didn't like my stomach in it. "Can you get this in a one piece?" I asked her. "Um no girl. You're getting the bikini and that's final. Your stomach looks AMAZING in it!" she said. There was no convincing her. Oh well. We bought it and went back to the hotel where we sam the rest of the day. It was really fun and I actually caught some guy checking me out. Wait that wasn't just some guy. It was Toby Turner!! I was such a huge fan of him!!! "Omg Andrea I need to talk to you!" I whisper/shouted (dont ask me how this is possible but she did it so that nobody but Andrea could here.) "What's up buttercup?" she asked. "Toby freaking Turner is checking me out and I'm a huge fan and omg what do I do?" I whispered quickly. Just then Toby walked up to us. "Hey gurl you lookin fiiiiiine. Can I have yo number?" He asked in a weird but awesome voice he does in his videos. "Um sure!" I said trying to hide my excitement. He held out a piece of paper and a pen. I quickly wrote down my number and gave it back to him. "Text me" I said as he walked away. "Will do" he said back. "OMGGGG MY BABY'S GROWING UPPPPP!!!" Andrea yelled loudly. "Shut up!" I yelled at her. This was awesome!!

*Super time travel power activate! To the next day!!*

It was the first day of Vidcon! I woke up and threw on some clothes that looked nice (I'm tired of explaining everything she wears. Use your imagination.) Even though I didn't have a YouTube (yet. hehehe) I still got to be with o2l. We all got lanyards with cards on them explaining who we were, what our channels were called, and they had a color for vlogger, gamer, etc. Mine said I was part of o2l. We walked into the big building Vidcon was being held at and it was awesome! (I've never been to Vidcon and have no idea what it's like so don't kill me if it isn't exactly how it actually is.) There were screaming people EVERYWHERE. When I walked in with o2l the screaming got even louder. We had to have security guide us to the room where we were answering fan questions. There was a long table on a stage where me and o2l sat. Andrea was somewhere else since she had her own channel. There were a three groups of chairs with isles in between them. At the end of each isle there was a microphone. People would line up and take turns asking questions to us. They could either ask one or all of us. One girl came up to the microphone. "Melody are you going to make a youtube channel and join o2l?" she asked me. "Good question. I don't really know myself. Maybe." I answered. Maybe that would be a good idea. There were a lot of questions but eventually there was another girl that had one for me. "Are your friends just pretending to be your friends because of o2l?" the girl asked. I took a minute to think. "No. They are always there for me and I know it's not because of these idiots." I said gesturing the the guys. "Hey!" Connor shouted pretending to cry. They all started pretend crying and everyone including me was laughing. They all stopped and we had a lot more questions until it was time to go. Then it was time for signing. We were led to a huge room. There were a bunch of different areas. Each area had a table and chairs for a certain youtuber to see their fans and to sign things. O2l had their own area. A bunch of people lined up and surprisingly all the girls wanted my autograph too! It was almost time to go when the last girl came up. "HI I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN! MY NAME IS GLOSS!" I heard the girl say. Wait..GLOSS? I looked at her and she saw me. 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE MELUGLY?! STAY AWAY FROM O2L! THEY DON'T LIKE YOU! I'M SURPRISED THAT THEY ARE EVEN LETTING YOU NEAR THEM!" She yelled furiously. She then proceeded to try and pull me out from behind the table and hurt me. How could she be that stupid?? "Security please take this girls ticket and ban her from coming back. She just assaulted my daughter!" Connor yelled. "I know I saw her. You are in some big trouble young lady." The security gaurd said. "DAUGHTER? THIS UGLY WHORE IS YOUR DAUGHTER? ARE YOU BLIND?" Gloss screamed. "YES I AM THEIR DAUGHTER. THEY LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT THEN SHUT YOUR MOUTH CAUSE NOBODY CARES!" I shouted loudly. I heard applause from everywhere in the rooma and noticed that everyone had heard the whole conversation. Gloss was absolutely shocked. Her ticket was taken and ripped up in front of her eyes and she was arrested. "We love you so much! Don't ever think that we don't!" Connor said while everyone gave me a group hug. Andrea ran up. "THAT'S MY GIRL! YOU TOOOLD HER!" she said. "Hahaha thanks Andrea." I said and she hugged me. I was glad that I had gotten that out.
Yay! Again I'm very sorry about those missed days. I hope I made up for it with this chapter! I would really enjoy a rate, comment, or follow! I love you all my Boo Bears! -Kenzie Boo 😁

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