Part 8

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Waking up from passing out I was terrified when I saw a stranger hovering over me. Taking in his worried beautiful green eyes and his wavy blonde hair I noticed how gorgeous he is.

He then started to go on about how I needed to go to the hospital. So pushy. Telling him I'm completely fine while wiping the blood off my face.

Looking over I see another man. He looks about a few years older than me. Probably the same age as his companion with the green eyes. I think my eyes about pop out of my head when I get a good look at his face.

He is drool worthy I think to myself as I try to discreetly check my mouth for any drool. Short brown hair with intense grey eyes that are covered by black framed glasses. His suit is a bit rumpled but that's probably from the accident. I have no doubt that everything in his life is done with perfection.

"Oh shit." I totally forgot about the accident in my rattled state.

"I'm so sorry! Let me call my insurance company and get your car taken care of. Totally my fault." I gush out while grabbing green eyes' hands.

"Miss it's fine. Everything is okay." He says sincerely.

I start to blush as I realize he is still holding my hand and honestly I don't want him to let go.

He starts to smirk, the butt, because he can see the effect he is having on me.


"Oh it's S." I say demurely while taking my hands away from green eyes and offering one to shake Mr. Perfection's hand.

"Ms. S? Nice to meet you. I am Mr. Blackbourne and this is Dr. Green-"

"But you can call me Sean." His friend interrupts him.

I giggle when I see Mr. Blackbourne glare at him.

"As I was saying I have already contacted the towing service. All you need to do is call your insurance company and we can be on our way." He states.

I see Dr. Sean roll his eyes at Mr. Blackbourne. Hm I wonder what that's about.

I go over to look at the damages to the car and I want to weep. The left side of my Audi is totaled. Poor Sasha. Yes, my car's name is Sasha. Don't judge me.

"Sasha! I killed you my baby!" I wail while hugging her.

During my little break down I didn't notice Dr. Sean running up and asking who Sasha was and if she was injured.

"Of Course she is injured! Just look at her!" I say while gesturing to my car.

"Wait, you named your car Sasha?" He asks looking like he wants to laugh but trying to keep a straight face.

"Well yes can you think of a better name? She's sleek, sexy, and exotic. Perfect name." I say with a "duh" look on my face. I'm trying to mourn my car but he keeps talking. He may be cute but I need some time with Sasha.

"I think you're cute too. I'll give you and Sasha some time alone." He says while winking at me.

Oops I had said that last part out loud.

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