Part 18

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Sitting on the stool with my eyes closed I inhale through my nose to see if I can gather what he made for me by the smell but give up when I detect nothing in particular.

"No peeking Pookie!" Demands Sean while placing a plate in front me. I hear the clutter of utensils being placed on the table and a chair scraping across the floor let's me know Sean has taken a seat beside me.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now."

I snap my eyes open and see Sean smiling up at me, his eyes shining with affection waiting for me to look at his masterpiece.

Looking down I am completely confused, "uh Sean?"

"Shush Pookie, I'm going to tell you what I made, it's a condensed vanilla extract simplified to a-"


"cream spread paired with dehydrated pound cake reduction"

"Dr.Sean, this is an Oreo cookie" I try to state seriously but I can't help but burst into giggles.

"Okay, you caught me but everyone loves oreos and I wanted some pookie time." He says while picking the cookie up and bringing it up to my mouth. I give him a shy smile, open my mouth slightly, and take a bite. He sets it down and gazes at me with a smile. This gorgeous man is too sweet.

I'm about to say something to him when he begins to speak, "you have a little chocolate on your lip, pookie" I reach up with my hand to wipe it off only to have Sean stop me. Tilting my head in confusion I don't realize his intention until his face is close to my own. He looks down at my mouth and bites his bottom lip before looking back into my widened eyes.

He leans closer until his breath fans across my face, the suspense is killing me and I'm about to close the distance when I hear a throat being cleared behind me. We both jumped apart startled by the intrusion and turn around.

Axel is standing there with a sour expression on his face, oh great.

"Shouldn't you be in the conference room with us going over our findings instead of playing with Miss S over here?" His voice sounding like ice and I can't help but snap at him. Why is this guys so angry all the time? He shouldn't be so harsh on a sweet man like Sean.

"He was being kind and thoughtful something you apparently know nothing about and I assure you I am not some toy to be played with, Axel." Where his tone is like ice, mine burns like fire.

"I wouldn't get too comfortable here if I were you." He says sharply while his eyes harden a fraction more.

His words hurt me more than I thought they would. He is right. They are just helping me because it furthers the case they are apart of. Would they have really gone to all this trouble if they wouldn't benefit from it?

"Axel, that's enough! What's your problem?" Sean lashes out. I turn to look at him and see that he is standing with his fist clenched to his sides. I've never seen him angry and I can't help but think how wrong it looks on him. He should always be happy.

I'm already causing conflict between these brothers and it doesn't sit right with me.

The feeling of comfort and belonging is at an all time high when I'm with these men. Water begins to gather in my eyes and I focus on the floor. Not even looking up as I make my way out of the kitchen quickly.

As soon as I leave I hear Sean yell out angrily: "why are you treating her like that?"

"Don't act like I haven't seen the way you look at her! And you're not the only love sick puppy. She's going to tear this family apart and I won't allow it."

"I like her! Just because your teams relationship didn't work out doesn't mean you have to be a dick. She's not kayli." I hear an intake of air after sean says that then silence.

"Listen, Axel, I didn't mea-"

"This conversation is finished."

Not wanting to be caught, I immediately ran to find Zeek so he can cuddle with me in my bed but see that he has already cuddled up to Raven on the couch. Ugh, the traitor. Raven sees me and gestures me to come over and watch tv with him but I shake my head with a small smile, telling him that I'm tired and going to sleep. I make my way up to my room having had enough of the boys for tonight.

What did Sean mean when he said I wasn't Kayli? Who is she? What did she do to Axel that would make him react so negatively towards me?

Shaking my head at myself I decide that it doesn't matter. I'll probably be dead before I ever learn the answers to those questions.

The drawer creaks as I slide it open to retrieve some pajamas, picking at random I pull out a pink and white polka dot long shirt. Changing, I move to the bed and get comfortable underneath the soft sheets.

I close my eyes and wait for the silence to lull me to sleep. I'm in the weightless stage where you're still awake but on the verge of a deep sleep when I hear a loud bang as the front door bursts open. It spooks me but I think nothing of it since there are so many people in the house anyways. What has my eyes popping open and my body in an instant upright position is someone yelling.

"Doc, we need you!"

"What happen-?"

"Multiple stab wounds"

"-lay him down over there!"

Not even caring about my lack of pants I sprint down the stairs and into the living room. I'm immediately swarmed by chaos, the men are running all over the place. Kota bringing towels, Brandon stands with a scared look on his face while both of his hands are thrust into his hair, Sean is checking vitals and yelling out for different objects.

Standing next to him I ask him if he needs anything else, I look over at the stranger and can't help but think of how familiar he looks. I lean a bit closer to get a better look but sean snaps me out of my trance when he tells me to get a needle from his bag. I'm about to walk away when fingers enclose my wrist, stopping me.

The stranger is awake and we lock eyes. My breath escapes me as we stare at each other. I'd know those eyes anywhere.

He whispers in a hoarse voice and it takes me a moment to digest the one word that left his lips. I'm in shock.

That was the last thing I thought I would hear today.

He called me firefly.

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