Part 20

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Waking up in a cold sweat I try to shake off the remnants of my nightmare by slowly inhaling and exhaling but I am still terrified of what my subconscious is telling me. I was back to being a little girl. My blonde hair flowing through the wind as I ran out of the house to go play with Kevin. My body flying back to the hard floor, the pain radiating through my skin, trying to understand what happened. Seeing Jane, my stepmother, standing over me yelling.

Her sickly pale skin and sunken in eyes glaring at me with hatred for running in her house. The dream tilts and I am now tied up in the kitchen as Jane brings a scared younger Kevin screaming. Tears streamed down my face as the shimmer of metal bounces off Kevin's neck.

Jumping off the bed, I stumble to the bathroom barely acknowledging Zeek following me. The cold water wakes me up fully and I glance in the mirror at my red face and disheveled appearance.

Feeling as if the walls are crashing down around me I rush to my room and start packing my things in a hurry. I know I am in the wrong state of mind to be making rash decisions but I can't stay in this house knowing that I could be the cause of people dying or breaking this family apart like Axel said.

The thought of anyone hurting my new friends makes me terrified and I would not be able to live with myself if anything happened to Kevin. He may not really care about me or remember much from when were children but he was the only thing that kept me sane during the years of torture.

Slowly making my way out of the house, cringing at every slight creak beneath my feet, I finally made it to the door when I feel the air shift.

"S What are you doing?" Luke whisper shouts and I have to slap a hand over my mouth to keep from screaming in fright. He walks into the moonlight so, I can see him more clearly and he stands there with sleep in his eyes, no shirt on, and pajama pants hanging low on his hips. Too disoriented from everything that is happening I pay no attention to the mouth watering sight and instead try to come up with a valuable excuse.

"I was going for a .... walk. Yes, Zeek needed to potty."

"At 3:30 in the morning?"

"Well when you gotta go you gotta go, Luke"

"You also need a suitcase with all of your clothes to take Zeek out?"

I open my mouth to give off a retort when he sighs and gently grabs my hand, "S, what is really going on?" the feeling of his soft hands give me a state of calm and I decide to tell him the truth. Plus, I am an adult and do not need anyone's permission to go to my own home. Glad with my resolve I tell him that I am leaving.

Nodding his head with a worried expression but then he begins to zone out and I watch with a confused expression as he starts to smile. "Uh earth to Luke?" Shaking his head he says "Okay, lets go."

"Wait, what?"

"I can see you are set on going and I can't stop you so I will just join you."

"You don't need to do that."

"Cupcake, I want to. Let me come pleeeeeaaasseee."


"I will start singing very loudly, waking everyone up. You don't want that do you?"

Glaring at him slightly I finally give him a grunt and nod, trying not to laugh as his face lights up and he starts to jump and down like a child. He tells me that he is getting his keys and I suddenly have the urge to smack myself in the face. I hadn't even thought of transportation when I was going to make my escape back home.

After twenty minutes of loud, off key singing we make it to my house. Seeing it reminds me of how trashed it was and I am suddenly afraid of what I might find inside. Walking very slowly I tiptoed to the door and unlock it. Opening it slightly and lowering my body like you see in spy movies I put my head within the crack to try and see if anyone is there.

"What are you doing?" I hear Luke ask loudly, amusement lacing his tone.

"Sush, there might be a murderer in there." I say as I barrel roll through the door and place my back against the wall. I look over to let Luke know to follow me and the coast is clear but he just shakes his head and walks in while turning on various lights.

"What are you doing!? They will know we are here!" I growl at him and he rolls his eyes while walking towards me "We have this place on 24 hour surveillance." He says while pointing out various cameras in the house, "No one is here but us."

Feeling slightly ridiculous I blush bright red, "Oh yeah, I knew that, I just like playing spy games sometimes ya know? Just testing you." he laughs at me outright and I want to die of mortification.

Luke walks up to me and gives me a hug, his bare chest encasing me in his warmth. I can feel my heart beating rapidly given his proximity, he can probably feel it. Walking us toward my room, Zeek following behind us. My room is surprisingly clean and I can feel Luke's gaze on my slightly questioning expression, "some of us wanted you to at least have your room clean just in case you needed to come back for something."

These boys are just too kind. And perfect. And sexy. Okay, I need to calm down.

With a small smile playing at my lips I get underneath my covers and Zeek jumps up after a few twirls he finally settles down at the end of the bed. Luke walks over and begins to tuck me in and I start to giggle. "Have sweet dreams, Sugar." he whispers while kissing my forehead. What he says has my remembering my dream and now I really do not want to be alone.



"Can you sleep here with me? I really don't want to be alone tonight. Just sleeping." I feel the need to tack on the last part not just for him but for me as well. My wandering hands need to calm down or they will be attacking Luke's half naked self.

Making his way back to my bed with a small laugh he exclaims "Of course! I would never turn down a sleepover with my cupcake."

He jumps on the bed and I start to giggle but it abruptly stops when he drags me from my side of the bed to be flushed up against his body. His arms around my waist and breath fanning against my neck. Trying to not have heart palpitations I begin to scooch over a bit to give us some space but he isn't having it.

"Let me have my cuddles,S. I am tired and you smell like my favorite kind of dessert." he whispers against my skin and I can't help the shivers that overtake my body.

Turning my face towards him, I can't help but admire his face, his eyes are closed but the slight smile lets me know he is still away.

Slowly sliding his fingers up my arm he opens his eyes and stares back at me. Feeling the tension in the air I begin to pant. He brings his face closer to mine and looks down at my lips with desire in his eyes.

Not being able to help myself I close the distance between us and that sets us both off. Hesitant kisses turn into passionate ones and my hands start to wander.

Next thing I know I'm laying on my back with Luke grinding against me, moans pouring out of my mouth. Looking down at me, he begins to take my shirt off but we are interrupted by a loud noise and glass shattering.

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