Part 19

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Broken glass litter the floor, slashed up leather seats, the smooth burn of mind numbing liquid pouring down my throat, and the incessant yelling of the patrons who are as hopeless as I am. I look to my right and am captured by the image in the mirror, he looks like me but he has a look on his face that I haven't come to recognize until now. It is the look of anguish.

Picking up the glass, I shoot back the remains of it. I haven't consumed enough and my mind flashes back to the shape of her body, the way she laughed when I woke her up with kisses, how she tasted when our tongues would tangle in desire. My mind is a ruthless friend that won't let me forget her beautiful eyes losing the light within them, the coldness of her skin as I hold on to her body begging to whatever higher power there is to bring Mindy back to me, to take me instead.

The sound of a gunshot reminds me of that night and I panic, only to realize it was a barstool being thrown against the wall. This has been my life for the past two weeks. Traveling bar to bar wasting away from any liquor I can get my hands on. Without thought I have been getting closer and closer to Seattle, Washington. Subconsciously, I know my body is bringing me here, hoping that my brothers can help the rest of my mind that is left.

When I arrived here this morning I went straight to this dilapidated building to drown my sorrows. In a way, I can't bring myself to contact them. Not wanting to see the judgement in their eyes, or pity.

The door to this hell hole opens and two men walk in. Even in my hazy state my training kicks in, a gut instinct telling me to pay close attention to these specific men. The last time I didn't trust my instincts I lost the most important person to me.

One of the guys has short dark brown hair with cruel blue eyes, the suit he is wearing is near perfection and reminds me of someone that is close to my old team. His companion is wearing a dark blue suit, although you can tell he feels uncomfortable in it. Light brown unruly hair covers his head, worried brown eyes scanning people's faces at a rapid pace. Walking to a booth close to the stool I am sitting in, they take a seat and order drinks from the waitress.

"I don't know if I can do this, Jay. It was fine when I was just dealing drugs but this takes it to a whole other level." the light brown haired man says to the blue eyed one nervously. Now I am completely intrigued.

"Quiet down, Derek and don't say my fucking name." Jay says with a harsh voice, he seems to be well versed in criminal activity based on the aura that emanates from him. "You will get more money than you could ever dream of. All you need to do is help us drop off packages, you won't even be apart of the most exciting part."

Derek gets a slightly frustrated expression on his face muttering, "you said that last time and I had to witness your 'exciting part'. Why the hell are you guys doing this anyway? How does this get you more money?" taking a swig of his drink then setting it down. Jay roughly grabs him by his tie a brings his face closer to his gritting out, "you are not paid to ask stupid ass questions. You are paid to do as you are fucking told. Stop acting like a little bitch."

He lets Derek go and sits back into his seat, waiting for Derek to get a hold of himself. Looking back at Derek he says, "She is looking for someone and if we find her we could be set for life."

He makes eye contact and I know it's too late for me to look away so I hold eye contact with him. With all the liquor hitting my system I'm not thinking as clearly. Jay pays for the bill and walks out of the bar with Derek following him like a lost puppy.

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