iv. reggie mantle

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YEAR 2015

" You don't do that to a girl, Chuck! Just because you're a guy, it doesn't give you a right to hurt her like that. You ruin her and I'll ruin you! " Reggie threatened Chuck while Betty was behind him, " Wait, just wait. After high school, you'll be rotting in hell! I promise you that, you touch her and you'll say goodbye to this place." He pushed him by the lockers that caused him to have a bruise behind his back.

He pulled Betty out of the locker room and made sure she was alright. Betty's eyes were like glass but he was there to clear her face from those tears. "Hey, hey Betty. It's gonna be alright, I'm never gonna let him touch you ever again." His hug gave Betty a sense of assurance but she knew that this couldn't possibly be a permanent thing.

" Reggie, promise me that no one, not even Archie, could know about this. If my parents were to know about Chuck, they'd kill me! Please, Reggie." She begged and more tears came falling down her face. He had to tell someone because it would cost Betty's innocence. "Just please, let me tell someone who can help you, Betty! Do you realize how much of a danger Chuck is? "

Betty stood there silently, thinking how lucky she is to have someone like him. "Thank you, Reggie. How can I repay you, for all this!"

You don't deserve to be treated like crap, Betty. He thought while he had Betty in his arms. Betty broke away from the hug and dragged Reggie by the hand, and headed to the cafeteria. There they spent the whole lunch chatting and laughing. Archie arrived at the cafeteria, troubled, but when he sees Betty sharing a laugh with Reggie, he felt a little pang of jealousy flow through his body.

When Archie exited the lodge, Chuck grabbed him by the collar and pushed him by the lockers, making Archie startle. "You go tell your friend, Reggie Mantle, to get away from my business. Betty's my girl and I can touch her whenever I want, okay?" Archie was shocked. He didn't know what was happening but he knew he had to tell it to Mrs. Cooper. So, he drove all the way to the Cooper residence and told  Alice about everything.

When he had dropped her off, Alice immediately talked to her daughter. "Elizabeth Cooper! How dare you let that guy feel you up, huh?! You're are a Cooper, for God's sakes! You're ruining our name, Betty. " She wailed.

Betty began to cry again, "Mom, I didn't let him touch me! He sexually harassed me. Don't go telling me that I'm throwing myself at a guy at my school. I have a proper decency and dignity. Stop listening to what everyone's telling you because some of the rumors are false. Okay? "

Alice froze because she just learned about her own daughter being sexually harassed in school! In school! But why would Archie Andrews tell her something that wasn't true.

" Oh my god, Betty. I-I didn't know. Archie just told me at lunch. Baby, we're gonna have to tell it to your principal about this so th–"

"If I tell the principal, his friends will hurt me even more, mom! Please don't! I have Reggie, he protected me from him a while ago. I'm gonna take care of myself. If ever he hurts me, I promise I'll tell you and we'll report it immediately. Please...mom." Betty begged as her mother nodded and gave her a hug. She's too young to struggle like this. She shouldn't be crying over a guy who harassed her.

Before dinner, Archie dropped by their house and before she answered, Betty opened the door. She heard them have a heated argument.

"How dare you tell my mom that I'm throwing myself at Chuck! I was harassed by him and everything's over between us. Why did you go and ruin my life? I thought you were my friend." Then before Archie could reply, she shut the door.

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