xiv. revelation

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"Wait what?! Are you sure that the four of you are not having some kind of delusion or hallucination?" Alice Cooper replied after hearing the revelation the four seniors told her.

They all nodded in perfect synchrony, leaving Alice stuck in the moment.

Her mind drifted off somewhere, still confused with what possible emotion she should let out. Veronica spoke out before anyone else did, "But we have a much greater news though...and before you could tell us otherwise, this is official."

"What is it?"

"Betty is really alive. Jason Smith, your nephew, admitted to Jughead everything. The reason why and how it was possible. And we proved that it was true when our private investigator said that there were no records of a Lorelai Carmen Smith that fit into 'Carmen's' description. Then, the other night, Carmen mentioned something that only Betty and Jughead knew about." Archie blurted all of these information all at once, leaving no one a moment to but in. " Hal bribed the doctors while you were away. He was so angry at you for kicking him out like that so took the chance to take Betty away. She was recovering at a New York hospital and he scared your sister and your nephew to go in this mess. But your sister had enough of what Hal was doing so she decided to send your nephew, Jason, with Betty here. And the reason why she thinks she's someone else is because, she has dissociative amnesia. She has zero memory about who she is and Hal created Carmen as her alter ego. Our only hope to find the truth is if she begins to remember."

The silence was something all of them expected. They sat while they waited to see any reaction from Alice, who at this moment is almost going to faint. The news was too much to handle. First, her ex-husband also killed himself and her deceased daughter wasn't really deceased.

She wanted to faint at that very moment, she wanted to be somewhere far from this chaotic place. So many uncanny things happening and she couldn't handle it anymore.

"Okay... Can I have some time to process all of this? It's just too much," Alice asked politely, Veronica tried to speak again but she cut her, "Just please leave. I really need time to think things through... I know you're all concerned about everything but I'm gonna need time okay?"

Archie made Veronica go along with the three of them. Everything was really crazy enough that it can cause someone's parent or any loved one to go crazy.

{ time jump }
MAY 19, 2020

The night they've been waiting for finally arrived. Polished students came from left and right, with their arm candies and their corsages. Every student was preparing for this very day and today's the day they all get to live in it.

Jughead was waiting for Carmen to walk down the stairs, like those cliché movie scenes. As much as he hated it, it was all worth it to see Carmen walk down from those stairs.

Her flowy baby blue dress perfectly accentuated her beautiful strawberry blonde hair and her own pair of baby blues. She had her hair in a half up and half down with waves and she looked beyond words.

Jughead, speechless, couldn't create words for what he had just saw, " Wow!" He muttered. The two share a laugh and after a while a few minutes, Alice went in to take their photos.

When they arrived, Veronica, who wore a wine-colored mermaid gown that complimented her figure and a hair that was just in waves, and Archie, who wore a dark gray suit that complimented Veronica's wine colored gown, were waiting for them. The four went in the auditorium together.

When they entered, it was simply breathtaking especially the amazing fairy lights and the balloons. But a huge banner for Betty and Jason was in the auditorium too. It was awkward when they all got to see it.

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