vi. hal cooper

949 35 0

AUGUST 18, 2014

" a father is always making his baby into a little woman. and when she is a woman he turns her back again."

hey diary,
it's been quite a while since ive talked to you. you know what they say that our fathers are our first love? i dont believe or am one of those who thinks that my father is the greatest one in the world. if you haven't caught up yet, my father is somewhat abusive.

he would tell me that i was their mistake because they just found out that i have general anxiety disorder from a personality disorder which i dont really get. it's been hard really. i miss my dad.

i miss my dad who'd always have my back especially in school. he'd tutor me until he knew i'd explain it on my own. my dad who'd teach me how to fix our car, Betsy! my dad who'd care less if i get a -A or B+ in school. but now, that guy is gone. i thought he'd be the one to accept all of this going in my head.

if ever i kill myself, that'd be inevitable. i promise you, in about 2 or 5 years, you'd see me down somewhere in the house with a foaming mouth. im sorry, diary.

xo, betty

SEPTEMBER 28, 2019
1:27 AM

"Bet-Betty! Betty, don't. Stay. No." Archie woke up, sweating and breathing heavily from the nightmare.

Jughead was still on his laptop, typing something, until he heard Archie howled from his bed. He looked at him and obviously he's still having a hard time.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. Betty's somewhere amazing, where there's no one going to hurt her any longer. She's finally happy." He comforted him as Archie stood up and put on a shirt.

"If it'll help you, I'll play the sixth tape. Only if you wanna?"

Archie nodded as he sat by the window, wishing to see her again right across the window. All she left him was the craving to see her again. The thoughts in his head blocked every other thing happening in his head.

Welcome, you know who I am, so I'll skip the introduction. Mom, I don't even know how you do it. If I were you, I would've left him years ago. Years before you found out about my mental health. It still hurts how much my father changed in the span of a month. He lied about Polly and it broke me. Like he broke you mom. But I never said anything because I still had hope for him. I do that, a lot and it's not a good trait. It ruins you, one moment at a time. You know what dad, you deserved the brick mom threw at the door two years ago. You ruined me and mom. Even if you apologized for everything, it still isn't enough. Those tears I cried before I slept, those blood that I bled, those opportunities I could've gotten and the confidence that I could've developed, all were wasted and couldn't be brought back. And one of them, dad or Hal, is my life. I deserve better than you and I'm not really sorry for saying that.

Then they hear Betty's yelps and hears Hal over the audio. Damn, this guy's abusive, Jughead thought.

Archie stands up in rage, he didn't know that Hal Cooper was this kind of a person. That's because the Coopers have been trying their best to be the picture perfect family. That guy deserves to be sent to jail after what he's doing to their children.

Veronica, Kevin and Cheryl had left town to go to New York for a stress removal trip. While Jughead and Archie had to familiarize Carmen to the town. But it was easy, she picked up fast.

SEPTEMBER 29, 2019
2:56 PM

"Hey guys, look, I didn't tell you to have a The Dreamers kind of tour. I mean that movie was great but I just want to see the reality of this town. Like I want to see the dysfunctional sewage plants or abandoned horror houses! You don't need to sugarcoat anything for me, I'm used to it. My parents prepared me for reali-ah." Carmen fell on her knees as the guys go to her side.

"You okay, Car?" Archie checked, while she tried to stand up which she fails at doing, "It's nothing, I promise."

After that, they left the museum and drove off somewhere. She wanted to have a road trip and Jughead gave it to her. Her blue eyes were clear as day, it was as enchanting as anything crystal there are. The sunlight allowed Carmen's familiar beauty to blossom right in front of his eyes. He had to try to ignore his feelings because he feels that everything he loves or cares about, dies.

As they returned to Riverdale, Archie fell aslee, giving time for Jughead and Carmen to bond over things.

She held his hand, and leaned her head on his shoulders. She felt something familiar the moment she held his hands. It's like uncannily familiar, when clearly they're just newly acquainted.

When they finally reached Riverdale, they decided to drop by Pop's. Upon their arrival, Alice Cooper was there with Hal Cooper. She gave him papers to sign as tears fell from her eyes. After signing or writing something, Hal quickly left.

They run to her side and they learned that she just filed for divorce but she's still keeping his last name because no one could know about it except for immediate family and friends only.

When the boys left, Carmen tried to comfort Alice. "Carmen, thank you so much. I just wish I could've been there for you growing up so that you could've met Betty. You'd be a perfect girl gang, you know? " Carmen felt flattered while she saw Alice smile shyly.

She noticed a tiny bruise by Alice's neck, "Alice, not to be rude or something but why do you have a bruise on your neck and I know that ain't a hickey." Alice tried to hide it by pulling her turtleneck, "It's nothing, dear."

"I promise you, Alice, you can tell me anything you want. I'll won't tell anyone not even my friends. As a your niece, I deserve to know what's happening to my aunt! Please, tell me."

" I-It's...Hal. He hit me when I confronted him about my dau-Betty's diary, about his abuse. He told me that I shouldn't believe what 'our dead psycho daughter!' That came from the father of the same child. I was blinded by him. And I hate it. So much." She clenched her fists but Carmen reached for her hand to calm her nerves down, "Don't worry, Alice. You did the right thing of ending things with him. You deserve so much better than him."

When Alice finally calmed down, Carmen walked her home. She allowed her to reminisce about Betty and tell the stories of the childhood of her two daughters and how she begged them to stop growing. She also talked about Betty's 'what if's' and her hypothetical future. Like how she could be taking a course in Journalism at Yale or Brown. Or become the next editor of Vogue, like what Betty kept joking about when she was younger.

She understood her loss because she knew that majority of her life was taken away from her after the accident. She knew that the person she is right now, probably isn't her at all.

new update, y'all!!
double update bc why not?
idk if i really balanced the message of the tape with the thing with Carmen. heh.

btw, are we gonna let the boys battle out for our new bb carmen?? let me know down below ay

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