thirteen reasons why

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you gave us reasons why you had to leave, but im giving you reasons why i'll never leave.

1) veronica is still MIA

yeah, as your recent ex and part-time best friend, i'll make sure that you have someone to talk about the new kate hudson romcom. ill be her stand-in and i'm happy to do it.

2) i moved closer to you

after realizing that college isn't for me, i decided to live in the big apple. not because so i could stalk you but i'll have more opportunities here. now im closer, everything you want and you crave (i.e. those ridiculous rainbow bagels!! im convinced you were high on something when you're asked me to buy it for you) is at your feet because im here!!

3) i know you very well

i spent almost 3 years with you and in those 3 years, i absorbed a few facts and routines you have and i know them better than you do.

4) i owe you for not caring enough

i almost lost a beautiful girl a few years back and i just couldn't let her slip away again. she means the world to me and i love her.

5) you have no one in the city

you're stuck with me while you're here. that's it.

6) you tend to worry too much

when you worry too much, you go crazy and sometimes you also forget to do stuff. but, i always arrive at the perfect time am i right?

7) you worry me

you worry me, A LOT! when you forget to answer my calls, you make me panic and rush immediately where ever the hell you are because i cannot let you relapse or hurt yourself.

8) you're my only friend

you're the one of the few people i know and it's hard so i make sure that i don't lose a friend. i treasure what we have more than anything else.

9) you need someone to watch gilmore girls with

as much as i can't understand how mother and daughters be THAT close, i know that you'll always need someone to watch rory and lorelai with. since veronica isn't around, i become your paris? i dont know, i don't understand the show sorry.

10) you need someone to protect you when watching a horror movie

you always need someone to hide onto when you try to watch horror movies. i keep telling you not to but you persist and every single time, i have to be there or else you'll alarm everyone with your squeals.

11) you have discounts at almost every place here in new york

your boy needs to eat but your boy is still unemployed. it's like our thing now and i love it. it became our new tradition now and its great.

12) you still have a piece of you in my heart

as your ex, i still like you. a lot. but you were told to not have any romantic involvement for 6 months and if i have to wait for another more year, ill wait.

13) i love you elizabeth cooper

i love you as your best friend and as your ex. well, probably future boyfriend. what the hell do i know. i know you love me too but i dont know if you'll give me a fresh start. your smile is breathtaking as it curls, your baby blues that's as beautiful as any diamond and your soul is just pure. i cant let that slip and thats why you'll never see me leave.


hey guys! yall have been v supportive and bc of that ill start adding few bonus chapters (which are set after college & post college) here and there. also, please read my other bughead fanfic, Magnum Opus!

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