vii. jason blossom

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Have you ever felt that somehow you feel the pain somebody's going through and because of it, you're heart breaks. You're world breaks. Well, I did. I felt that same pain Polly went through with Jason. Riverdale's golden boy, Jason Blossom, welcome.

Jughead needed to space off from the world of teenage chaos and rebellion also known as high school. He had a lot on his plate, with the grief of her death, the appearance of this mysterious look-a-like of a girl he fell in love with and the hard-headedness of the few people he tried to consider as friends.

He sat there, typing on the laptop, as he tried to shun the world around him. He had earphones plugged in his ears, serving as his little own therapy.

The childhood days of the four of us sneaking out to park or to the Twilight Drive-In, sharing a laugh and sharing these awfully great childhood memories. But then the summer of Polly's fifteenth birthday came along, the same summer where Cheryl began to socialize and the same summer where you told me you were together. I accepted the fact that I was different, that I didn't belong with any of you.

Jughead's fingers stomped heavily on the keyboard of his 2-year-old laptop. But, he stops as he sees a silhouette standing right in front of him. "Hey, do you have room for one more?" Carmen smiled.

He nodded, simply, and gestured her to sit right in front of him, as she ordered Pop's signature vanilla milkshake with a cheeseburger. When she noticed his silence, she melted on her seat as she took a sip from the sweet drink. Their silence went on for a long 3 minutes, that cued her to say goodbye.

Her wave, her hand, it was all too familiar. That same nail marks when she got angry or upset. Betty had it. And he was the only one who knew it. How does she have it? Maybe, it's just that they share the same habits. He tried to ignore it, he did.

Then, after your three glorious years of dating, you hurt her. I hated you with so much pas–wait, wrong word. I despised you so much, you broke the one person I had left of my "wonderful" childhood. That one person who continued to come to my side when I needed it. I know that I sound so selfish, but you made me stop trusting so many people. Again, I'm the selfish one. I heard it so many times–so enough. But my heart fell to my stomach when I heard that you were murdered. While Polly was pregnant with the twins. Yeah, I'm talking to the dead but how about you, you're listening to a dead girl's final moments. I guess, I'll see you down there, Jason.

The audio ended while Jughead stared down on his work. He slowly began to feel that after all this time, he and Betty were just the same. But, he always shoved her away because of he was blinded by her perfect girl-next-door façade.

AUGUST 8, 2018

It was the celebration of Cheryl's 17th birthday bash by the Sweetwater River, to also commemorate Jason. There were underage drinking everywhere and no one could deny it. Even Jughead, the "social outcast" of Riverdale, joined in for a few drinks. But Betty had more than anyone from their inner circle.

"Hey Jughead!" Betty runs towards Jughead, clumsily, "You know what would be great? Let's run away from this crappy of a town we live in for almost a majority of our lives. Come on! "

She dragged him to her house as she packed her stuff and went running out of the house. "So where are we going?" He asked, as he drove Archie's car. He looked at her side and saw her slowly admiring the towering viridescent trees of Riverdale.

"Anywhere. Just somewhere away from  here." She replies, not even trying look at Jughead. He just drove around the town in circles so that maybe he'll confuse her.

She knew that he's driving in circles as a way of confusing her and she appreciated him for it. But she did, really, want to leave the town, her friends, even her family. The way everyone treated her, thought of her and expected from her slowly drove her mad, every passing day. And not even one antidepressant pill can help brighten things up.

"Stop, Jughead. Stop driving in circles and drive us somewhere." She spoke up, jolting him up. He did stop driving in circles and tried to head out somewhere, but he was afraid. He was afraid he was going to lose her and also, himself.

Her phone consistently rang along with his. Veronica, Archie, Kevin, Cheryl and Alice's names were showing up, but she sat there.

In the few hours he drove, she drifted off to sleep. He checked to see that it was already 2:12 in the morning. This made him drive back to the town they both dreaded to be in.

"Mrs. Cooper, yes, it's Jughead. Betty asked me to drive her off somewhere out of town while she was drunk."

"Wait, she was drunk?"

"I'm sorry about that Mrs. Cooper. I'll be driving her to your house and again I'm sorry if I drove her by your house early in the morning."

"It's okay, Jughead, as long as you drive Betty off. Thank you. Thank you for being there for our Betty when we're not around."

"No problem. See you later, Mrs. Cooper."

Betty still had a hint of drunkenness when Alice helped her down Jughead's car. He continued to assist carrying Betty but Alice gave him an assuring nod to leave. He assisted her until the both of them reached the door as Alice acknowledged his efforts. From his car, he watched the lights in her room light up until a few moments when that light faded into the darkness of the town.

OCTOBER 2, 2019

"I remember that day she wanted me to drive away from this town. I tried to follow what she wanted me to do," he paused for a while but he finally found his composure, "But I failed. I drove her back the very morning. I should've known. I should've known that this was her call for help. She felt so trapped all this time but we, all, completely ignored it."

He didn't know whether to let his feelings out in public especially to the student body but he sees her out there. Begging for help to speak out. "So stop being too nice or too fake because for all you know, you're all dragging innocent people mad. She's dead but all you do is for show! I don't care if you're not going to listen to this emo kid who can't move on from his girlfriend, but I'm telling all of you that if you continue to be selfish, you'll gonna lose everyone you love! I swear this wouldn't have happ–"

Everyone saw it. Everyone saw Jughead be pulled by personnels. Archie Andrews stood up, averting everyone's attention to him. "Why is the Administrative Team so afraid of the truth? Why are you so afraid that the students of your school are on the verge of killing themselves because of the ongoing sugarcoating, lying and backstabbing that every student strut in these halls!" He yelled directly at the Administrative Team causing them to try to pull him out also.

Veronica and Cheryl joined in their mini protest until everyone in the auditorium followed along with them. Screaming and outcries filled the whole auditorium, making the the personnels' lives harder to calm everyone down.

It was pure chaos until a girl was found lying unconscious on the floor.

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