ix. cheryl blossom

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OCTOBER 2, 2017 | 7:37 PM
ROOM 277

"Are you any way related to the patient, ma'am?" The nurse politely asked as she nodded with a reply, "I'm her aunt."

The nurse instantly directed her to the doctor in charge as the same doctor headed to her direction to inform her regarding the findings of Carmen.

"Doc, is my niece alright?" She queried as the doctor went to her direction.

"Ms. Smith was dehydrated that somehow contributed to a vertigo. I asked her friends who were around during the event, your niece was able to mention that she was feeling nauseated. But as of right now, your niece is alright and is resting in her room." The doctor informed Alice about Carmen's situation. It somehow painted a small smile on her face, the moment he said she was alright.

Instantly, she headed to where Carmen was staying. Veronica, Archie and Jughead stood up to greet Alice. They moved to the side to give room for Alice to sit.

"So what happened? What happened in the gym?" She tried to create a small talk. The three shared a look that queued who was going to tell her what happened.

Hesitantly, Archie went in and answered, "So today was Betty's memorial in school and while Jughead was telling his experiences with Betty, the teachers thought it was way out of hand that they thought to drag him out of the gym,"

"Literally." Veronica butted in. Jughead somehow laid low during their conversation but Archie continued.

"Then we stood up for Jughead, that caused me and a few others to be dragged out too. The whole school followed after, yelling, screaming filled the gym. But until someone screamed that a girl was unconscious, everyone stopped and decided to call 911. So here we are. In the hospital room."

She nodded as a sign of her acknowledgment of what happened. Veronica leaned her head over Archie's shoulder, feeling down.

"Last time I was in a hospital, it was when Hal told me that Betty was dead," Alice opened up while the three averted the eyes to her. "I regretted leaving the hospital before they told him that she died. I wanted to see her one last time but it was too late. She gave up so she left. "

Her eyes were watering, her hands gently dried the areas around it. Veronica felt her pain, she really did. She envisioned Betty on the bed where Carmen laid. She hated that she doubted that she was dead.

"I may or may not sound rude but have you heard your file already?" Jughead broke his silence while Alice shook her head.

Nobody in the room has heard how they killed their best friend, their daughter. As time went by, visitors come and go and some of the people who stayed drifted to sleep. Except for Jughead, who stared at the girl who laid restful in front of him as he listened to the ninth file.

Hey, again, it's me. Betty. I'm closer to the key reasons why I felt the need to kill myself. My life was changed at the last day of summer party at the Drive-In lot. It was a good thing that you weren't drunk or was it?

He was fidgeting. He remembered that night all too well. From the earliest hour of that day, he remembered every single detail of what went on.

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